Trader28 informational thread

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by steve46, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. Godsfist


    Did Steve just say morality?

    After faking dead 911 relatives :p
    #41     Jun 24, 2008
  2. To reiterate, Hack Jershey7 and Godsfist are the same person.
    #42     Jun 24, 2008
  3. You're in no position to lecture anyone on morality, you hypocrite. ROTFLMAO!!! I never claimed I'm a saint and you'd do well to heed your own advice about patience. You're as much of an abuser as ANYONE... but I guess it's OK if you're doing the abusing, right? Just like it's OK for YOU to be the moral sheriff of ET but not anyone else. If you don't like my approach, too bad, I couldn't care less. You have ZERO credibility and I doubt others care what you think either. And who the hell are you to threaten me after some of the crap that you've written? Go ahead, MAKE MY DAY... just try and shut me down.

    Best Regards,

    #43     Jun 24, 2008
  4. How would you know this unless he's NOT on your ignore list???

    Simply, aren't you suppose to be ignoring him considering you are still commenting about him. :confused:

    That's why I didn't think steve's uniform ignore quest would work because you guys are still talking about that guy (that tells him/her the uniform ignore quest isn't working) or engaging in debates with others that support Hack Jershey (see steve's latest comments in other threads).

    To ignore someone involves not talking to him/her, not talking to others about him/her, not responding to someone that quotes him/her and ignoring those that support him.

    Simply, pretend he/her and the gang never existed and you'll never have a need to write a single message about him/her.

    That's a tough thing to do but you guys did make a good effort.

    You guys are back in that vicious cycle with him/'s addictive. :(

    #44     Jun 24, 2008
  5. Hey Mark, the guy creates new user names every few hours! The whole point of this thread is INFORMATIONAL. I suggest you read the threads title to understand the intention. Its to tell people of his NEW aliases, ones in which people either HAVEN'T had a chance to put on ignore yet or don't know to ignore yet.

    I havent responded tho ANY of his aliases or Trader666 in 2 days, I think you are having a bit of fun being a cop in your own right. Either use this thread for informational purposes, to add his new aliases you see them show up, or back off and stop instigating.

    #45     Jun 24, 2008
  6. Nihabashi,

    This quote is from Steve46's FIRST post in this thread.


    #46     Jun 24, 2008
  7. Hey folks

    On my return I found several more PMs from folks who want to join in our effort to move Trader28 off the site.

    This is moving right along....

    Notice how insistent the poor bastard is that we are posting to "his" is replying to him, because most are pissed off at his bullshit....

    The bottom line folks is none of us reply.....We keep on asking ET members to read our information here....and we solicite as many new ET'ers to our cause as possible. And remember, this poor jackass is doing most of our work for us. Everytime he posts this crap, people read it and say "what the hell is wrong with this guy?" One poster did reply to him today saying "who the fuck cares?"

    We keep on as before tomorrow and once again please no replies of any kind to Trader28. In fact the best thing is to just put him and his recent aliases on ignore....

    We continue until Trader28 is gone.....

    Thanks everyone, you are doing a great job

    Best to all

    #47     Jun 24, 2008
  8. You deserve another and my final response

    First, on the issue of morality. You have quoted comments that state that I lied about the death of a relative on 9/11. I did not. In fact I lost family in that event....YOU did not take the time to find out the truth...instead you just posted my world that is immoral....

    I defend myself when people provoke me....If someone laughed at the loss of your family member....If someone made fun of your too would become angry and abusive....again you did not just posted to see how much pain you could cause....This is an issue of character....YOUR lack of character...

    Credibility....I have earned my credibility with thousands of posts, many of which show me trying to help new traders...In some I have offered to mentor without compensation. In some cases I asked newbies to make contributions to charity if they were successful...Can you match that....I doubt it....

    You want to challenge me...You want me to make your day....YOU GOT IT......Here's my response, YOU have a limited time to decide which way to go...Either shape up and abide by the rules of the site or we shut you down...You can quote me on that...Now from this day on I am ignoring you unless you show me some evidence that you are ready to change..
    #48     Jun 25, 2008
  9. First of all, you are suggesting that ET members do not know who he is when he's attacking Jack & Gang or any other member and that's why this thread is to inform ET members whom he is...

    That's ridiculous.

    Anybody that reads his posts knows who he is and obviously sees whom he is attacking without your input.

    Therefore, this thread is not informational.

    You guys are giving him a podium to stand upon along with refusing to admit such.

    Thus, the issue is not that you don't directly respond to him...

    The issue is that there are those (that includes you) that want to ignore him but so far have not been doing such via continuing talking about him by assuming nobody doesn't know whom he is under the facade that this thread is suppose to be an informational thread about his identity.

    It's like he walks into a room with a ski mask on in the middle of the summer with a gun in his hand and yells this is a stick up...

    You guys then respond to inform ET that he's a bank robber and the info is to be informational. :confused:

    Here's my solution one more time.

    Pretend he doesn't exist instead of acknowledging his existence...that's when everybody else can do the same.

    If not...

    You and HIM are the problem...not just him alone.

    On that note, I'll leave you now with this thread for you and him to continue with this vicious cycle of going after each other even though you two are no longer directly interacting with each other.

    Simply, there's no need to repeat myself a dozen more times...

    My last message in this thread and I've now joined your quest.

    #49     Jun 25, 2008
  10. Hello Mark

    First I want to say that I do not mean to be impolite

    I remember my short time in your room. You were very generous.
    also you were very hospitable. So I hope that I can offer you the respect you deserve.

    Our goal is to ignore Trader28 completely.

    I have asked those who have joined me, to do that (to ignore Trader28 completely, not to reply to him for any reason).

    I have not replied to him at all. Not once....and I will not for any reason.

    Also each person I approach, I ask them to do the same. To ignore Trader28 completely, not to reply for any reason.

    I don't know how much more clear I can be.

    Many ET members have joined us. In the next few days, we will ask everyone to join us, and to ignore Trader28 completely.

    Again, that is as clear as I can be.....No one is to reply to him for any reason. He will be completely isolated as long as he is here on ET.

    I realize that some will refuse. There are others here on ET who feel anger toward us for a variety of reasons. I believe however that eventually Trader28 will have only a few people willing to reply to him, the rest of us will not.....

    Either way we will accomplish one of two things.

    1.Trader28 will leave ET because no one will respond to him


    2. Trader 28 will choose to stay and communicate with those few members willing to reply to him...In that case, you will notice that his disruptive posts are no longer a problem, because we have become used to ignoring him.

    Either way the problem he created by repeating his disruptive and insulting posts will be solved because no one (except those who choose to reply) will be affected. It will be as though he was never here.

    If you or anyone wishes to join us, we simply ask that you ignore posts by trader28 and any of his aliases. We will post the aliases as we verify them (we have a way of doing that now).

    We hope you will join, but whether you do or not we wish you well.

    Best Regards
    #50     Jun 25, 2008