Trade Like O'Neil Disciple / Virtue of Selfish Investing

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by brfish, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. brfish


    For those who read Gil Morales/Chris Kacher's book "How to Trade Like an O'Neil Disciple" and/or subscribe to their subscription service: I was wondering if you could provide your feedback. Especially on the Market Timing Model, that is most interesting!! Thanks!
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. brfish


  3. O'Neil is a better business man than a trader.

    If you have read any of his books, it is basically a marketing brochure for his IBD services.

    He charged $1000 (when I was a believer so 7 or 8 years ago) per years for his premium services (scanner, charts, etc). That mean if he just have 10,000 subscribers, he would gross $10 millions for the services. 100k subscribers will gross him $100 millions. 1 million subscribers will gross him $1 billions, basically risk free.
  4. Darc


    Yes, I was wondering this too. O'Neil and his "Students" Gil Morales and Chris Kacher claim they can read the Market direction using just Price Action and Volume in as few as two Days ie. One Rally attempt Day, followed by a follow through Day equals an long uptrend.
    Any experienced Chartists able to shed some light on the validity of their methods please?
  5. deaddog


    Read O'Neil's book and see if his method is something that might interest you. A few great traders started with that book.
  6. Sekiyo


    You can tell when they're going to shout for a follow through day,
    Most of the time it's just the break of a resistance,
    When it happens on higher volume. FTD !!! :wtf:

    There is nothing predictive about it.
    But the fact that all bull market start with a FTD.
    We have witnessed plenty of them fail in this bear market.

    Not even sure they caught the top ...
    In my opinion they ain't market wizards.
    They might actually be the worst O'Neil disciple.

    Had fun with them on twitter,
    Got blocked. Nothing to see here.
    Darc likes this.
  7. Darc


    Yes, read both their Book (O'Neil Disciples) and O'Neil's.

    They've modified it. Here's their Signals for the past two years
    murray t turtle and Sekiyo like this.
  8. deaddog


    So in your opinion is the book (Disiples) worth the money? Or is it a rehash of O'Neils books and a promotion of their timing service?

    I'd call myself an O'Neil disiple, combined with Weinstein and Darvas. I doubt I'd subcribe to a timing service. Anything in the book that would be helpful?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. Darc


    My opinion, yes, but better out there like Mark Minervinis etc.
    Yes, looked at Weinstein's, similiar to Dow Theory. Minervini incorporates it into his System by the looks of it.
    Rams Fan likes this.
  10. Darc


    Here's a Twitter account you might like. Hes based on Weinstein. O'Neil etc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
    #10     Sep 5, 2022
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