I got this in an email today, just thought I'd post it for anyone interested: In light of the crisis that has struck the heart of the World Financial Center the stock market will obviously be extremely volatile this upcoming week. As all professional traders are aware, volatility in the markets is one of the many ways that traders profit. Due to the cause of the volatility, I am challenging all traders who profit from this atrocity to donate their profits or a portion of their profits to one of the many established relief funds. I ask you to look into your hearts, remember the victims and trade today with all the families and people who are suffering in mind. The following is a list of organizations that are accepting donations. Each organization focuses on a certain cause. Please take the time to review them and choose a cause that you would like to contribute to. Your donation is tax deductible. Please e-mail the following information to tradehearts@hotmail.com so that we can share the results of our campaign with you. 1. Your name 2. Name of the company you trade with 3. Name of the organization you're donating to 4. The amount of your contribution Hope World Wide http://www.hopeworldwide.org The United Way http://september11fund.org/epledge/sept11.cfm Red Cross http://www.nyredcross.org/donate/index.htm * If you do not wish to donate profits then please consider donating blood. http://redcross.org/ Our thoughts and prayers are with all the great traders and the families that have been affected by this demonstration of evil. Today we ask that you trade hearts with them. Thank You. Sincerely, Your Fellow Trader