Tough Times for California Bashers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. OMG you toothfairy school of economics idiots just don't get it.
    You can't endlessly tax your way to wealth.

    When cali taxpayers realize temporary taxes = permanent, more and more productive people will move.

    Time will tell IF they are really cutting spending.
    #11     Feb 7, 2013
  2. Liberals are idiots.

    Take the “balanced budget,” for instance. The state may be breaking even for the year, but as the governor has acknowledged, it faces a $28 billion “wall of debt” left over from previous years. And last autumn, an independent group of fiscal experts explained that this figure omits such items as unfunded pension obligations. Add those debts to the total, they found, and the real burden is anywhere between $167 billion and $335 billion.

    So they balanced the budget by not including billions in unfunded pension obligations which wouldn't balance the budget.

    Kind of like there is no inflation when you don't count things where prices are inflationary.

    A bright future is ahead in the federal gov't for these folks.

    #12     Feb 7, 2013
  3. jem


    try living here you liberal fools.

    the state gave away so much money in pensions and union crap over time, they now stuff 40 kids into a class room.

    when wilson was governor... the dmv was a pleasure.
    the secretary of states office could get your documents and information back quickly.
    the dept of real estate could do things quickly.

    now it is all just a jumble of time and crap.

    you guys have no idea what you are talking about.

    the state is falling apart

    only a third of the people pay income taxes... so what do they do... they raise income taxes... to drive out more of the tax payers.
    #13     Feb 7, 2013
  4. Mav88


    You have to understand the liberal mind. liberals value symbolism and feeling above all else. They would like their economic ideas and plans to actually work in practice, but that isn't a requirement. For instance any fool can see that our retirement benefits are way out of control, but that's not an impediment to a liberal since what really matters is that they feel their people are in charge and that things are 'fair'. Life absolutely sucked under communism, but people like Penn, Obama, etc. admire it because it is fair in their grotesque sense of the concept.

    Cali will be looking to raise taxes again in a few years, demographics alone will kill them.
    #14     Feb 7, 2013
  5. Ricter


    That sounds more like libertarians.
    #15     Feb 7, 2013
  6. Mav88


    Only to you it does, because your liberal beliefs are religion.
    #16     Feb 8, 2013
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    It doesn't sound at all like Libertarians.

    I also notice that you like to attack the "kids with stupid hair" at Zerohedge, but not once have you been able to counter any of the points from any of their posts. Just attack the messenger, in true liberal fashion. That's how you guys win arguments: Label the speaker/writer, demonize and attempt to discredit - but never try to meet them on the common ground of debate over what they are saying, because the issues are just too hard to argue against.
    #17     Feb 8, 2013
  8. The big problems is jobs. Most of the jobs being created in California right now are low-paying, often minimum wage. The best jobs, called STEM jobs (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), are leaving the state.

    The article below documents the changes in population and employment in California, and shows why we're in so much economic trouble.,+and+political+commentary+about+places%2

    Also, people like to talk about California's large GDP. It's large simply because it has the largest population of any state in the nation. But California's GDP "per capita" has slipped from 5th in the country in the 1960s to 11th, soon to be 13th as it gets passed by Minnesota and Maryland in the next few years.

    In the 1960s, California was the 5th best educated state in the nation. Now it's 23rd, highly correlated with the drop in per-capita GDP.

    On a brighter note, California no longer has the worst credit rating in the nation. That title now belongs to Illinois.
    #18     Feb 8, 2013
  9. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Superb call out. But don't expect AK-47 to acknowledge pesky things like facts, Tom.
    #19     Feb 8, 2013
  10. People aren't bashing trains in California, they're bashing California's plans for the bullet train.

    Mother Jones, one of the most liberal publications on the planet, called the California high-speed train plan "ridiculous."

    "This is just jaw-droppingly shameless. There's not even a pretense here of providing a reasonable, real-world traffic estimate that could be used to project the cost of alternative infrastructure. A high school sophomore who turned in work like this would get an F."
    #20     Feb 8, 2013