Tough times ahead for daytraders

Discussion in 'Trading' started by piggie2000, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. I think this bear mkt is different with an extended gringing low vol
    environment ahead. If millions leave the mkt its only natural that trading gets much tougher. Well capitalized traders should be ok but the 1000's of prop guys with 5k deposits and living month to month will have a tough time. Good luck to all
  2. Surdo


    You are obviously new to trading! The past two months' volatility have been some the best markets for short term traders.

    Anybody that could not make a few bucks this past week should consider another venue.

    el surdo
  3. NY_HOOD


    listen,contrary to what most guys say ,the VERY few traders that make a CONSISTENT living are going to have a tough time. they already are. why,there is no trend and random whip saws that stop them out of trades. i know 3 guys that are very well known(not kidding) and even make some guest appearances on tv.they are getting crushed and every other big trader they know as well.does that mean everyone else in the world of trading is losing? no but i have to tell you,most of the elite are. i know that for a fact. oh yeah,how many times are traders going to blame LACK OF DISCIPLINE for their failre. comes a time when a guy has to face reality or he's going to wind up wasting valuable years of his life trying to find that successful ,consistent method of profitable trading. thats why there are so many books on trading and so many video's.
    can't wait for all the responses abot being a disgruntled trader or i am a failed trader so i am assuming everyone else is as well. i am actually a good trader i can tell you lots of good ones are getting spanked and i mean hard!
  4. true....but looking farther ahead..........I don't feel so good.
  5. rtp100


    in day trading I don't see a diff

    if I was swinging yes

    but in day trading, no diff
  6. surdo i said looking ahead not behind. Behind has been great due to panic.Ahead looks awful as millions that provided the panic are gone and vol gets cut in 1/2 and we grind endlessly.I've been a full time day trader 14 years and there's been almost no terrible times. But its coming
  7. rtp100


    la la la la

    la la la la

    you are so wrong la la la la

    keep up with reduced $VIX

    la la la

    double the size

    la la la

    now say thank you
  8. Surdo


    I beg to differ...there will always be volatility and volume in the currency markets as well as the interest rate complex.

    If and when the equity markets ever dry out, there will always be other markets to exploit my common thinking friend.

    el surdo
  9. rtp100 = jasonn = c-kid = cold = triggger = about 300 other aliases.
  10. I do very well as long as there is some significant volatility. It is when the markets become range bound that I find a harder time looking for good setups.

    This won't last forever but as long as the VIX is this high this volatility should be embraced.
    #10     Oct 5, 2008