totally sick day

Discussion in 'Trading' started by dsq, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. dsq


    whipsaw mother...ive been down as much as 2k twice today going long and short ...down about 160$ was up 80 but i think im done...i got caught short as that anti short financials story went around ...

    Order ID Buy/Sell Qty Symbol Price O.Type Expire Status Fill Sp Executed Entered
    Buy To Cover 1,000 WFC 36.30 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 1000@36.2699 14:09:37 2008-09-18 14:09:34
    Buy To Cover 1,000 WFC 37.27 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 1000@36.779 14:03:39 2008-09-18 14:03:37
    Sell Short 1,000 WFC 37.57 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 1000@37.57 13:53:15 2008-09-18 13:53:12
    Sell Short 500 WFC 35.63 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 500@35.8301 13:33:18 2008-09-18 13:33:15
    Sell Short 500 WFC 35.09 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 500@35.1101 13:26:51 2008-09-18 13:26:49
    Sell 1,000 T 28.11 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 1000@28.111 13:23:24 2008-09-18 13:23:22
    Sell 700 VZ 31.26 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 700@31.26 13:22:14 2008-09-18 13:22:09
    Sell 300 VZ 31.23 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 300@31.23 13:21:35 2008-09-18 13:21:29
    Buy 1,000 T 28.21 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 1000@28.139 11:45:36 2008-09-18 11:45:34
    Buy 1,000 VZ 31.40 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 1000@31.40 11:01:39 2008-09-18 11:00:39
    Sell 1,100 T 28.73 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 1100@28.82 09:58:10 2008-09-18 09:58:07
    Buy 500 T 28.60 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 500@28.5799 09:48:25 2008-09-18 09:48:22
    Buy 600 T 28.93 Limit Day (2008-09-18) Filled 600@28.8699 09:34:52 2008-09-18 09:34:50
    Buy To Cover 1,000 WFC 36.25 Limit Day (2008-09-18)