TOS raised margin on YM ugh

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by kxvid, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. Too many fucking newbs blew out accts. I personally know one that held 10 contracts on a 8% down day and got wiped clean.
    #11     Nov 17, 2008
  2. I'm curious... what is a (small trader) blow-up?

    Unless (small trader) has closing trades producing realized negative account values, which is different than maintenance margin calls, which are calculated and determined several times daily by the brokerage, clearing firm, and the exchange itself, (small trader) has zero impact/input on exchange mandated margin requirements.

    And yes, as/if/when volatility decreases, margins should retreat, sans any government obstructions or objections to existing policies and procedures.

    #12     Nov 17, 2008