ToS botchup?

Discussion in 'Options' started by kcgoogler, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. Looks like somebody botchedup and made an unintended change to look expiry pnl curves all curvy and maybe nice(in their opinion).. also inaccurate un-intentionally.

    Anybody else seeing this. or is it just me?


    .sigma likes this.
  2. I see it as well! Seems they have a bug!
    After seeing your post, I submitted a bug report to TOS. I think their last update included more "undocumented features" ;-( (AKA bugs)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
  3. guru


    It can get even "better":

    .sigma likes this.
  4. TOS has been made aware of the issue and are pursuing solution! -- Not yet, but expect something shortly.
  5. yep. i contacted support and seems like an unintended feature. Hope they will fix soon.
  6. I stepped in the additional feature "guru" pointed out (unable to get all legs of the IC on same Expiration if desiring an AM expiry)! -- I did not report that "new feature" to them!
  7. guru


    BTW, I believe that 1st bug would happen if they adjusted the chart time or option expiration time, for example showing the chart for midnight while the option expires at 4pm. Or showing the chart for 4pm while the option expires at midnight.
    I have my own similar charting tool and it shows the correct chart when the expiration time matches, but it looks like the current ToS when the chart time is several hours different from the options' expiration time.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
  8. zdreg


    It is incredible the way the English language can be spinned to mean the opposite of its intended meaning.
  9. oxhimang


    It’s for sure a bug. This is very inaccurate. I hope they respond soon.
  10. Marcelino


    It seems that issue got fixed, but now P/L calculations look wrong. For example a calendar with Theta around 200 shows a P/L increase of only 15-20 when I advance one day. I tried several expiry combinations and it persists. After advancing several days though, Theta and P/L seem to get in sync.
    #10     Jul 19, 2021