Top IRS official will invoke the 5th amendment

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., May 21, 2013.

  1. TGregg


    It's also useful for questions like "When did you stop beating your wife?"
    #51     May 22, 2013
  2. Well ain't that tough shit.

    Maybe poor people should be a little more irritated that big brother makes them dependent upon the govt preventing them from saving/investing for themselves.

    The current safety net is an illusion of a net below you when in reality more often it's a net trapping people lower.
    #52     May 22, 2013
  3. Exactly the low wage workers subsidized by the government so the poor people can afford to eat traps them and it fools the right who want wages to fall even lower by removing the minimum wage laws. The wealthy are the only segment of our society who are improving financially how is making them even wealthier going to help the lower middle class workers...answer, it won't.
    #53     May 22, 2013
  4. How is making everybody poorer gonna help ? ... ans it won't.

    btw : min wage laws hurt the poor and unskilled it doesn't help them.

    Why do you think black youth unemployment is 2 x that of white.
    last time I checked 16-to early 20's was 50%.

    Don't tell me it's racism because we both know that's bullshit.

    The min wage law makes an unskilled black youth a bad risk.
    The equal employment laws make unskilled black youth a bad risk.
    Well known irrefutable longstanding IQ disparities make unskilled black
    youth a bad risk.

    Starting to see a trend here?


    Yeah didn't think so .
    #54     May 22, 2013

  5. Obama has made a serious mistake targeting political enemies by means of the IRS. It is looking likely that Eric "Waco Massacre" Holder will be the first to go down.
    #55     May 22, 2013
  6. pspr


    Holder's misdeeds have already turned his hair grey. Next it will go straight. :D
    #56     May 22, 2013
  7. TGregg


    Awesome post! Glad I watched it. Interesting that both of us are on the same page about the 5th and the IRS.
    #57     May 22, 2013
  8. Lucrum


    I continue to "Hope" for just such a "Change".
    #58     May 22, 2013
  9. Lucrum


    Myths About the Minimum Wage
    Raising the minimum wage is a proven way to stimulate the economy.

    Fact: Empirical research has found no link between a higher minimum wage and economic growth. In fact, a higher minimum wage reduces output in certain industries with a higher concentration of less-skilled employees.

    Most recent studies find that raising the minimum wage does not reduce employment.

    Fact: A summary of the last two decades of research from economists at the University of California-Irvine and the Federal Reserve Board found that 85 percent of the most credible studies on the minimum wage point to job loss for less-skilled employees.

    Minimum wage employees are stuck at that wage and need a legislated increase to earn a raise.

    Fact: Research shows that the vast majority of employees who start at the minimum wage earn a raise in their first one to 12 months on the job.

    Raising the minimum wage will reduce poverty.

    Fact: Twenty-eight states raised their minimum wage between 2003 and 2007, in an attempt to reduce poverty rates. Yet research from economists at Cornell and American University found no associated reduction in poverty.

    Most minimum wage earners are living in poverty.

    Fact: Census Bureau data show that the average family income of a beneficiary from the last federal minimum wage increase was over $47,000 a year. Research shows that many of those earning the minimum wage are young people or secondary earners in non-poor families.

    Most minimum wage earners are single and supporting children.

    Fact: Census data show that only about 16 percent of those who benefitted from the last federal minimum wage increase were single earners supporting children; by contrast, nearly 40 percent were teens or others living at home with a parent or relative.
    A study of an earlier New Jersey minimum wage increase proves that a higher minimum wage creates jobs.

    Fact: The New Jersey study by David Card and Alan Krueger was discovered to be based on a heavily flawed dataset. A re-analysis using more accurate payroll data found that a higher minimum wage in New Jersey did indeed reduce employment.

    Adult minimum wage earners with children are surviving on the minimum wage alone.

    Fact: In 94 percent of families with an adult who works a job that pays at or below the minimum, the spouse works as well. In 8 out of 10 of the families with children present, the minimum wage accounts for less than 20 percent of the household’s total income. For families with children, the minimum wage is also supplemented by a very generous Earned Income Tax Credit.
    #59     May 22, 2013
  10. TGregg


    <IMG src=>
    #60     May 22, 2013