Tomorrow's Payroll Number

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Ivanovich, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. From ZH.

    Like them or hate them, it sure is an amusing read.
  2. Whatever the number will be a lie and it will be better than expected.
  3. man its weird 1984 is required reading in high school. maybe its so they can tell you its science fiction and you wont realize youre living through it. Ministry of truth will strike again....
  4. OK, I am going to go off on one of my apparent "mindless" mind meanderings...but, if you follow me...I think you will agree...

    Last night I was wondering when our latest "sovereign debt" (aka monetized bubble) will explode...and I saw another thread on ET (kassz007's thread about growth in Canada) and I thought to myself - "What a complete lie!" The thread is making the assumption that
    2 * 3.2% (the "stated US GDP growth") is 6.4 which is roughly 6.1%. But, the 3.2% growth in GDP "stated" by the US is complete BS!!!!! Here is my thread on our faked GDP number...

    How does this all relate to the soon upcoming crash? I finally realized that like any con game...the gig will be up, when people no longer trust ANY of the numbers! It will seem like this....

    6 + 8 = 25 in one case....but
    6 + 8 = 17 in another neither case is the answer correct and it is completely illogical to think that a simple addition will result in different answers depending upon when the question is answered...this is what the people will finally realize...and the gig is up......more mathematically this will look like...

    (money controlled by those who don't believe the public numbers) > [ (money controlled by those who believe the numbers) + (money controlled by those just "following the trends") ]

    The left hand side is RAPIDLY approaching the point where the above statement is true. When the above statement is true, then the system will crash.
