Tom Tancredo to launch third-party bid for Colorado governor

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Range Rover, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Ricter


    I mentioned maybe two months ago that we would eventually be moving to a two-tiered citizenship model in the US (after we clear up the illegal alien problem), and it looks like shiteater would support it. I base my prediction on the continuing concentration of wealth. Eventually the very wealthy will want to exclude the voice of the threatening, filthy masses, even if they are citizens.

    But in truth we're nearly already there, since government and big business are one. Increasingly, if you're not passing through the revolving door of government office and corporate boardroom, or at least a gov employee making mounds of obfuscating paperwork for your boss, you have lost your voice.
    #11     Jul 27, 2010
  2. Ricter


    Our most marginalized citizens in general are naturally, mathematically inevitable, the ones who started Life's footrace farther back than others did. But decades have been passing now and the traditional middle class has been shrinking, giving up too many of its members to that lower class. The Tea Party is their voice, stupidly misdirected, but still a clear sign. I see no reason to believe this process will end until a revolution occurs, history's typical solution.

    But for now the revolution is postponed. It's ingenious, really, convincing the falling that their trouble is the fault of those below them. A perfect divide and conquer of the squabbling dogs under the table.
    #12     Jul 27, 2010
  3. That makes perfect sense from a marxist class struggle analysis. In the real world the Tea Party movement is made up of people who are sickened by what has happened to their country and alarmed by the trajectory. They see they were duped by the media into electing someone who ironically is devoted to marxist class theory, with an unhealthy side helping of chicago-style thug politics.
    #13     Jul 27, 2010
  4. BSAM


    Tancredo is a good guy. I'd sure like to see him win. And just imagine what message would be sent to the criminals also known as Republicans and Democrats.
    #14     Jul 27, 2010
  5. Bill Clinton's State of the Union speech reveals a socialist who wants to take away your freedom. Bill's speech drips with his contempt of our free market economic system. Bill's speech is a declaration of war against America's heritage.
    #15     Jul 27, 2010
  6. Lucrum


    Slick Willie is still POTUS?

    #16     Jul 27, 2010
  7. Mnphats


    And yet scores of people from around the world strive to come to America and leave their "life's footrace farther back" behind them.

    Now sit and sulk about how other people started "life's footrace" ahead of you and see where that gets you. I suspect, a life long liberal crying about the injustices perpetrated against you. But then again that's the whole point, keep them down and collect years worth of votes.
    #17     Jul 27, 2010
  8. Ricter


    Duh. Like I've said before, no one in this country is actually poor. We discuss within our own little world. Your argument is just as valid to counter the complaints of "government is too big" or "taxes are too high".
    #18     Jul 27, 2010