Todd Harrison is writing again

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by ez_go_win, Oct 1, 2002.

  1. ctrader


    Once again cramer has egg on his face. Doesn't Todd run the hedge fund that cramer founded??
    #31     Dec 5, 2002
  2. Something must have happened because on his bio page he has quotes about his writing from Tony Dwyer who also used to write for RM, as well as Bill Fleckenstein, who currently writes for RM, as well as a bunch of head of trading desk types.

    A quote from J.C. who lavished him with praise at one time is glaringly absent.

    Nobody knows how Cramer/Berk (sp?) hedgefund is doing last few quarters?

    gotta be doing better than Cramers RM portfolio I would hope.

    #32     Dec 5, 2002
  3. DTK


    gotta be doing better than Cramers RM portfolio I would hope.

    I would figure that has to be the case or else they would be too far off the high water mark to still be in business. When you didn't have to pay to see what Cramer was doing it wasn't going so well.

    What's Cramer's RM portfolio doing these days anyway? I love RM, but don't subscribe to the Action Alerts.

    #33     Dec 5, 2002
  4. Todd's writing has a watered down flavor that he didn't have when he wrote on RM. Not sure if the lawyers got to him but the text is missing specifics and examples that made it so good, like structuring a trade, especially the gamma scalping.

    I also agree that the cartoon style is tiring but that may be that way for a reason, not sure. He needs to write less, and add more meat to what he writes.

    He's not a fraud, and that's the best part, so Todd add alittle bit more substance.
    #34     Dec 7, 2002
  5. Still think he's a little bit loony, but I'm not knocking his ability.

    Been reading his daily reports and while I doubt that anyone can make head or tail of what he's really doing, there are some good trading ideas and tips discussed.

    For example, I agree with what he said last week about what sectors to look at should the big bear continue (gaming, banks and retailers).

    Would I pay $10 a month? Perhaps, but only for the educational value and I wouldn't expect to be able to learn/use anything in realtime trading.
    #35     Dec 7, 2002
  6. i had hopes for todds site but now that i have seen it i am disappointed. it seems useless to me. he wont even tell us what he is trading anymore. who needs to waste time reading useless gibberish during the day. i predict a soon as he goes pay he is one will pay for silly rambling all day.
    #36     Dec 7, 2002
  7. I have hopes that Toddo will pay attention to his email. I know I am not the only one telling him he has to start providing a little more detail and forget his educational mission. Casual investors will not pay $10 a year, much less $10 a month. There is a fair amount of value in his postings, but it is tiring to have to wade through all the nonsense. Also, it is hard to take it too seriously when he hides what he is really doing. I have never understood the Boo costume stuff either. Does "one leg in the Boo costume" mean he is 25% short, 75% long or what?
    #37     Dec 7, 2002
  8. gaj


    aaa - yes, if todd has 1 foot in boo, he's 25% short (as the market is rising)

    1 foot in hoofy, he's 25% long (as the market's falling)
    #38     Dec 7, 2002
  9. (I would rather he spent his effort trying to be clear)

    For example, I remember he mentioned he has standing aside for an event, he said "Beeks!".

    I looked this up in his dictionary.

    Apparantly, "Beeks" was a character in a movie, I think "Trading Places", and Beeks means goverment information/statistics.

    For crying out loud, why doesnt he just speak English. This country has enough dialects/languages without people making up new ones. It's asnine for him to expect readers to run his commentary through a pop culture translator.
    #39     Dec 7, 2002
  10. lescor


    My understanding is that he's refering to how strong his conviction is regarding the direction the market is likely to take. I've never read anywhere that it meant how the fund's capital is allocated. He'll go from 75% conviction to 50% in one day if the market has made a strong move, maybe relieving an overbought or oversold condition. Doesn't mean the fund has re-allocated 25% of it's cash.

    His style sure is unique, but if you read him for a while, it's not hard to know what he's saying. But I've been reading him since day one at RealMoney, so I've gotten all the explanations along the way. Starting from scratch, I can see why new readers would be frustrated trying to decipher him.
    #40     Dec 7, 2002