Today's CrossFit WOD

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by El OchoCinco, May 22, 2018.

  1. Basketball Today

    Played 55 minutes of hoops at lunch today. Solid energy levels the whole time. rarely got winded except on full court breaks. Coudl have ran more but beeaches could not stay for another game or two because they had to go back to work :(.

    Really felt great today and feel lighter running and cutting. Looking forward to next CrossFit workout. Skipped today because it was a 30-35 minute WOD that was a beast. Not ready for it.

    For those curious, this would have been today's WOD (glad I skipped it):
    AMRAP = As Many Reps as Possible

    7:00 – AMRAP
    Buy-In: 400m Run
    10 Power Cleans 95/65, Fx: 75/55, Rx+ = 175/115
    10 Handstand Push-Ups, Fx: Push-ups

    Rest 3:00, until the clock reaches 10:00 and then…

    7:00 – AMRAP
    Buy-In: 400m Run
    8 Power Cleans 115/85, Fx: 95/65, Rx+: 185/125
    8 Handstand Push-Ups

    Rest 3:00, until the clock reaches 20:00 and then…

    7:00 – AMRAP
    Buy-In: 400m Run
    6 Power Cleans 135/95, Fx:115/80, Rx+: 205/135#)
    6 Handstand Push-Ups
    Last edited: May 22, 2018
  2. Pekelo


    What is your app. age if you don't mind telling us?
  3. Mid 40s
  4. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Not a fan of CrossFit for any purpose. IMO, there are two types of CrossFit participants, those that have injured themselves and those that will.
  5. Then you need to get out more haha. Almost a year on and off and no injuries thanks to great coaches who check my form. Most injuries come in any lifting from bad form and poor coaching.
  6. I remember watching a segment about CrossFit on 60 Minutes a few years ago. They showed clips of people working out. I don't remember a single person using proper form. Most memorable was someone doing pull-ups. The guy was kipping, using his body like a fish for momentum. He had poor form and rep range, never once lifting his chin to the level of the bar. And, apparently, it was all good because people were egging him on. It seemed to be more about getting a certain number of reps than it was about using proper form.

    Good luck.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  7. Those are kipping pull ups which are done for higher volume but there are also strict pull ups which you are more used to seeing. There are also chest to bar pull ups and muscle ups. There are also weighted pull ups. Different ways of utilizing your upper body muscles and all of them will hit your lats, rear delts, upper back and biceps.

    Again, it is hard to judge something never having done it or seeing those with poor form and I don't believe everyone was using poor form.

    I have seen plenty of solo weight lifters in the gym doing lousy barbell curls with a big body swing and leaning back.

    Poor form is everywhere unfortunately and it s up to the coach. You have to find a gym where trainers and coaches stress proper form, not the weight on the barbell.
  8. Pekelo


    People doing them look like a fish on dry land flipping around. Saw video of the guy landing on his back. I watched CF documentaries on Youtube, interesting race, but I wouldn't do it as a competition. Just for exercise that is another thing, but I agree with Baron, the injury sooner or later is pretty much a given.

    Here, the bastard almost broke his neck:

    Clubber Lang likes this.
  9. Yeah that is not typical crossfit though so let's not take the video as a guide to what happens... do strict pull ups.

    One idiot is how we judge a workout?
  10. There are proper pull-ups and then there is everything else. Kipping is a momentum move that serves no other purpose than to stroke the kipper's ego. And it's usually the ego of someone who can't perform a full set of proper pull-ups, so he overcompensates with high volume crap.

    In the gym, as elsewhere, the ego is not your amigo.

    Those are called sternum pull-ups. Nothing wrong with them; they are a variation.
    Those are the kind I do. They are not a variation; they are simply pull-ups with increased resistance. Meanwhile, kipping pull-ups are not a variation as much as they are a bastardization.
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
    #10     May 23, 2018
    Pekelo likes this.