Today's Chat Session: CBOT Market Maker

Discussion in 'Events' started by MarkHyman, Mar 11, 2004.

  1. MarkHyman

    MarkHyman Advanced Futures

    Trading CBOT mini-size Dow Futures & Options

    Join Market Maker David Graff in the Elite Trader Chat Room on Thursday, March 11th @ 4:30PM EST, as he discusses automated trading and what it’s like to trade new products like the CBOT mini-sized Dow Futures. This chat session is being brought to you by Advanced Futures, a division of Goldenberg, Hehmeyer & Co.
  2. The ET chat applet is down.
  3. Andre


    I'm in there now, Puffy. Try closing all IE windows.
  4. thanx
  5. Andre


    Our chat with Market Maker David Graff will be getting started soon (4:30pm EST) in the Elite Trader Chat Room. Please join us.

    ET Chat Guy