today pissed me off

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gordon Gekko, May 7, 2004.

  1. i'm going to go do something else because i can't even stand to look at today's chart. i had what i thought was going to be a fantastic long. i'm not going to say where i bought, but i'll just say it was a very, very good spot. WELL WHAT DID I END UP WITH?? ABSOLUTELY F'ING NOTHING!!!! :mad:

    on the bright side, i didn't do anything i didn't plan to, but i'm still pissed.

    i'm off to lift weights...
  2. Well, so what? One trade was gonna do exactly what for your trading career?
  3. Pissed off? WEIGHT LIFTING IS PRETTY GOOD FOR THAT. I keep a set of dumbells near my desk. Keeping a bitch available on call helps too, I had one a few days ago but I don't know where she is now.

  4. LMAO (couldn't have been too good a spot :p )
  5. hehe, i was wondering what happens when he buys at a very very bad spot..

  6. Your money must be mine i've been short for two days and exited today thanks for the lunch money:)
  7. nkhoi


    but what if that was the trade of the year.
  8. i didn't lose money...but i did lose a nice profit.

    i was long at 1109.00...held all the way to day's high..then i got out at 1109.25. blah!!!!

    i don't even want to think about today anymore...totally missed out....
  9. did we get a little greedy :p
    #10     May 7, 2004