To all the goldbugs: Newmont et al. criminals ?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Kicking, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. Are you holding miners in your long term
    portfolio , are you enamored with gold and silver ? Dreaming of $2000 gold ?

    Does it matter to you that mining is one of the most polluting industry ?
    Do you know that Newmont dumped mecury and arsenic in Buyat Bay causing hundreds to become ill ? And for what ?
    The love of a metal whose only purpose is to show off one's wealth.

    Of course Newmont is denying all this and
    has hired the best lawyers to make the case that it couldn't possibly have caused all these diseases.

    If proved guilty Newmont Indonesia CEO is risking 3 years in jail, a joke.
    Gold is up this morning and miners will probably go up in the days ahead but if you've got any consicence at all , dump these f*ckers into any strength , especially Newmont today no matter what the verdict is.