TN Democrats son questioned about Palin's hacked email

Discussion in 'Politics' started by John_Wensink, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. If he did it do you think he'll be prosecuted?

    I think not.

    NASHVILLE - State Rep. Mike Kernell said today that he was aware of Internet rumors about his son being the subject of speculation that he accessed the personal e-mail of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

    Asked whether he or his son, a student at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, had been contacted by authorities investigating the break-in of Palin's account, he responded:

    "Me, no."

    As far as his 20-year-old son, David, he said: "I can't say. That doesn't mean he has or hasn't (been contacted by investigators)."

    Kernell, D-Memphis, cited the father-son relationship.

    He said he had talked to his son today, but that he talks to his son regularly.

    He declined further comment.

    Attempts to reach the younger Kernell for comment were not successful.

    The FBI and the Secret Service started a formal investigation Wednesday into the hacking, according to the Associated Press.

    A first-hand account reported by the Associated Press suggested her account was vulnerable because a hacker was able to impersonate her online and obtain her passord.

    The alleged hacker, using the e-mail address, posted Wednesday to a forum on the website 4chan about how he used Yahoo! Mail's password-recovery tool to obtain the Alaska's governor password.

    "i am the lurker who did it, and i would like to tell the story," wrote.

    The hacker guessed that Alaska's governor had met her husband in high school, and knew the Republican vice presidential candidate's date of birth and home Zip code, the Associated Press reported.

    Using those details, the hacker tricked Yahoo Inc.'s service into assigning a new password, "popcorn," for Palin's e-mail account, according to a chronology of the crime published on the Web site where the hacking was first revealed.

    Yahoo declined to comment today on details of the investigation, citing Palin's privacy and the sensitivity of such investigations, according to the Associated Press.

    The person who claimed responsibility for the break-in did not respond Thursday to an e-mail inquiry from the Associated Press.

    The break-in of Palin's private account is especially significant because Palin sometimes uses non-government e-mail to conduct state business. the Associated Press reported.
  2. If she used her private email to avoid oversight on her state business do you think she'll be sanctioned?

    I think not.

    Oh wait, that's not an "if."
  3. Interesting that you sanction illegal searches. I'm not at all surprised......
  4. Ummm... I actually don't, but you actually are with the party that sanctioned illegal wiretapping.
  5. Oh you must mean the Patriot Act which passed the Senate 98-1.

    You might like to inform us how sneak and peak is applicable in this instance.

    Or how sneak and peak under the PA differs from s&p as used in child pornography and drug cases. Or how s&p as defined in the PA differs from s&p as ruled upon in the 1979 Supreme Court case Smith v. Maryland.
  6. Not at all actually. According to Bush wiretapping requires a warrant.

    "District Court Judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled the NSA program violates the First Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in her ACLU v. NSA decision. "It was never the intent of the Framers to give the President such unfettered control," Taylor wrote in the decision, "particularly where his actions blatantly disregard the parameters clearly enumerated in the Bill of Rights."

    I'm afraid you're very confused about what we're discussing.

    "Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution." -- George W. Bush


    "Yesterday the existence of this secret program was revealed in media reports, after being improperly provided to news organizations. As a result, our enemies have learned information they should not have, and the unauthorized disclosure of this effort damages our national security and puts our citizens at risk." -- George W. Bush

    Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, said such behavior by the executive branch "can't be condoned,"

    John Dean said, of the illegal, unapproved wiretaps: "In acting here without congressional approval, Bush has underlined that his presidency is unchecked -- in his and his attorneys' views utterly above the law."
  7. The kid admitted he was the one who hacked into her email.

    Some are saying there are ties between him and the Obama campaign.

  8. Who did he admit this to?

    Who is saying that there are ties between him and the Obama campaign?
  9. Arnie


    No conflict here, eh?

    Detroit District Court judge Anna Diggs Taylor had originally ruled on August 17, 2006 that the program is illegal under FISA as well as unconstitutional under the First and Fourth Amendments of the United States Constitution.[27][28][29] The appeals court decision also did not address a subsequent allegation of potential conflict of interest by Judge Taylor, who was a member of the ACLU when she made the ruling. Judicial Watch, the watchdog group, discovered that at the time of the ruling Taylor "serves as a secretary and trustee for a foundation that donated funds to the ACLU of Michigan, a plaintiff in the case."[30] On February 19, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court, without comment, turned down an appeal from the American Civil Liberties Union, letting stand the earlier decision dismissing the case.[31]

  10. No citation is given, nor evidence provided for that accusaton that she was a member of the ACLU. (That's the problem with Wikipedia) However, she was a member of a group, and that group once donated money to the ACLU. That's only two degrees on separation from conflict of interest.

    Also, the case was dismissed for lack of standing, not on merit. The EFF is now taking up the flag and suing.

    All the Bush administration has to do is to run out the clock.
    #10     Sep 19, 2008