Tithing - Charity starts in the home

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by kmiklas, Jan 17, 2021.

  1. kmiklas


    Should I include my family in charitable donations?

    10% of earnings is for charity, and charity starts in the home.

    Is it appropriate to give, say, 1% to my disabled brother?

    On one hand, it seems a little weird--even self-serving--to give cash to family members. On the other, if my brother needs the money, and I'm giving to the poor, I feel like I'm putting family second.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. Hooti


    Market watch has a guy who talks about things like this:
    Quentin Fottrell
    Might be an interesting question for him.

    I have a distant relative by marriage who is high level disabled... able to function somewhat in society. Basically manual labor jobs. As he aged past his 50's he has done less and less. More frustrated and rejecting of everything. His family have money and have offered to pay for professional counseling (emotional and financial), and general support things. He sort of looked at them, and rejected them all.
    In this position... he can't be "enabled" on the one hand... or "tough loved" on the other.
    A lot of disabled people are sweet in disposition and do their best -- as much as any of us. Some are even inspiring...

    Apart from all those things, just on paper... I would lean towards giving a % to him...
    Never thought of it this way before, thanks for the question!
    kmiklas likes this.
  3. %%
    Sounds like you are right/self serving does not count in 10 %[tithe+ offerings]
    BUT i believe in helping people+ i never have regretted giving away a Dave Ramsey budget book.
    [I have a relative ,she was collecting private sector disability. ]I told her + we are pretty close, ''you dont look disabled to me'' She said she was having panic attacks. WELL there is still plenty of work she can do.....................................................................................................
    Several other keys ; ''emotion support animals are not service animals'' And remember the LBR trader patter/explosion. OK to make $100 or $175 on trading a can of rotten sardines ;but dont take that home to your wife/explosion!!
    kmiklas likes this.