Time to put metal detectors and security checks in our 4000 theaters.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by noob_trad3r, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. With the risks of shooters coming in we need to put up like in the airports a Theater Security Administration guard and metal detector to make sure our movie watching experience is safe again.
  2. no. lets pass laws that allow everyone in the theater to be armed. that will fix it.
  3. I heard this nut is still alive. Why haven't the cops blown his head off?
  4. hughb


    He went into custody "without incident" and they are searching his apartment now.

    What's going on here? Is this a "Brievik" type incident?
  5. TSA
  6. BSAM


    Time to put metal detectors and security checks in our 4000 theaters.

    When you get to the point that metal detectors and security checks are necessary, it's time to use Hulu and Netflix.
    Sit there and enjoy without the fear of being blown up, knowing you're in your favorite chair with your favorite beverage, your favorite temperature, your favorite people, and your favorite commode.