Time Is Running Out For Action On Iran

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. 1.Yes Paul is a pure capitalist

    2.Iran is only threatening the Straights of Hormuz because of continued threats of sanctions and military action against them.

    3.I don't believe Iran has the rights to block The Straights of Hormuz.If that happens there might be a case for military action but they haven't blocked the Straights and thats not why the neo cons are calling for war now
    #11     Dec 14, 2011
  2. Did Israel say that about Iran and Iraq since the 90s.

    You have used the word "literally". If it is new, why is that, and what does it say about the past "Time is running out"?

    The record of time is running out might be held by zionist Tony Blair and the Iraq dossier about Iraq's ability to attack with WMDs in ONE HOUR!
    #12     Dec 14, 2011
  3. rew


    Not to mention that oil prices would double.
    #13     Dec 16, 2011
  4. Make sure you're facing Mecca when you do this.

    #14     Dec 16, 2011
  5. pspr


    Iran is going to practice shutting down the Straight of Hormuz. I suspect the U.S. Navy will at least shadow this exercize and prevent any disruption in shipping that might occur. This test by Iran could be very dangerous and even start a conflict should they try to push the U.S. out of the way

    Also, the airspace over Iraq is now open for any Israel attack on Iran. Iraq has no airforce and we have ceased to patrol the airspace.
    #15     Dec 16, 2011
  6. 377OHMS


    In a real conflict Iran could not actually block the Straights to shipping because the tankers will likely form up into convoys under USN escort.

    What Iran can do is affect the price of crude oil by dropping a few mines into the Straights and perhaps conducting some harrassment of shipping by armed speedboats. Iran's Air Force is virtually nonexistant so they probably wouldn't be a factor.

    Also, of course, Iran could fire its medium-range missiles towards Israel or Turkey or both. It could induce its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah to fire thousands of missiles from Gaza and southern Lebanon at Israel. Likely a reoccupation of Gaza would occur but that is another subject.

    But that is about it. Honestly there aren't any other significant military actions Iran can take towards the West except to continue to try to develop nuclear weapons and distributing them to its allies Syria and whomever else is so foolish as to throw in with them.

    Russia and China will only support Iran up to a point. Neither of them is interested in a hot war with the USA. Both of them have become incredibly uncomfortable with our hegemony in the region and are doing their level best to muck things up but not in an overt manner. The russians have a large fleet at a Med port in Syria so there is some eyeball-to-eyeball contact between them and the USN already but I just don't anticipate a real problem with them.

    China is more worried about its own backyard (south China Sea) and has lots of other problems to cope with. They don't want us hammering a country that supplies oil to them. Perfectly understandable but I don't think they will intervene overtly either.

    Even an arch-liberal like Barrack Obama will have to act in our interests eventually and it appears to me that he already has given the amount of stuff that is blowing up in Iran.

    Once Syria and Iran are brought back to some kind of secular civilian governance the region will become quite a bit less dangerous and the other serious problems can be worked on.

    Personally I'm torn between my agreement with Ron Paul that we should stop being the global policeman and the recognition that a nuclear-armed Iran is going to be a real nightmare for the world.
    #16     Dec 16, 2011
  7. Bingo!

    This fucker is not American. I bet my life he is one of the zionists who wrap themselves in American flags while promoting israel's agenda.
    #17     Dec 16, 2011
  8. Why can't the U.S. get free oil in exchange for keeping those oil shipping lanes safe????
    #18     Dec 16, 2011
  9. BSAM


    It ain't impossible...

    #19     Dec 16, 2011
  10. has the supreme court determined if nations are alive? with constitutional rights? freedom of speech, with life liberty and pursuit of happiness? The USA will be the worlds policeman when the world pays said taxes to finance such ventures. Those who suggest the USA should be the worlds policeman are usually socialist, globalist, corporatist and wealth redistributionist and extremist. Vote Ron Paul, the only Real American up there.
    #20     Dec 16, 2011