"Time" Component of Market Analysis

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by formikatrading, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. Time is the element that can be used to deal with indicators.

    There is another thread on indicators presently and not much is being considered there, unfortunately. If the time aspect of indicators had come to the fore, then maybe the thread could have taken off.

    Most excellent timing support for making money comes from time considerations. It is not obvious to most how time fits into the picture for making money.

    For making money it is very important to always have the correct answer for WHEN THE TIME HAS ARRIVED to deal with what is most important to have on the table.

    The theme of "anticipation " is a very necessary ingredient for making money.

    On the other side of the coin, it is best to keep a list front and center for all those items that fall under "what wasn't that?'.

    The time business of making money boils down to one large comprehension assset. A person has to be able to empower this ever present asset, however.

    Lets say that a person can recognize that monitoring the market must be done in the better way of all the possibilities. There he is situated and observant and having the opportunity to keenly make observations.

    All such are related and connected to time in one basic primal way.

    All observations, no matter what, are, in a sense, comparable. The better way to compare is strictly based upon a time rate of change, from the strict vantage point of being in a place where comparisons are most pertinent.

    It may be seen here and almost everywhere else that this is not part of the operant structure of things and, especially, making money.

    You can count on the fact that when a person says anything he is talking about is not of value, that he is talking about the fact that he is unobservant and also that he is unable to understand the time rate of change of the topic he is mistaken about.

    Getting to begin to have an orientation to this stuff does not come easily to most people.

    If they ever do get a breakthrough in any of this, it comes when they begin to actually divide, properly, the time they spend on the four activities required to make money with a high money velocity.
    #11     Jan 15, 2006
  2. Something else about time cycles, there is something called the principle of harmonicity or a relationship by a factor of two.

    A 2 month cycle might have a relationship to a larger 4 month cycle or the next smaller cycle would be half its length .:)
    #12     Jan 15, 2006
  3. The market is more often non cyclic than cyclic!? Or if it means cycles extends and become shorter
    #13     Jan 16, 2006
  4. What types of Gann analysis do you use?

    #14     Jan 16, 2006
  5. 1in10


    If by your question, you are asking what book I found these techniques in, there are none. They were forged by many long hours of study and the real labatory of years of trading.

    You can read the Gann courses, but you will have to look behind the paragraphs, sentences, words to seek a true understanding.

    There are many self-annointed Gann experts out there, but what they peddle is pure speculation. Gann never told us step by step how he traded, but left it up to the each individual to figure it out from the clues he left behind.

    Be forewarned, the journey to understand the time element in trading is not for the weak of heart or spirit, but the rewards are great if you see it through to the end.

    #15     Jan 16, 2006
  6. ================

    End of day price [close] is very useful ;
    however as big hog humorously said ,open price also. Hey hog thats 8:30 central/chicago time:cool:

    Probably least useful, but still worth looking on, for gaps & such;
    at least for high volume hints like QQQQ=premarket prices.

    FormaK-trading, not to make a prediction, but wisdom is profitable to direct,50% level or simply divide by 2.

    Concrete example, & price may not follow this close/exactly;
    SPY past peak $145.7 divided by 2 =$72.8 trough.
    {actual retrace =$74.6}
    Looked more like a coin toss on QQQQ.
    #16     Jan 16, 2006