Tim Ferriss--- TMI

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Southampton, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. a great way to aproach life. Thank you, Tim

    Somewhere between college graduation and your second job, a chorus enters your internal dialogue: be realistic and stop pretending. Life isn’t like the movies.

    If you’re five years old and say you want to be an astronaut, your parents tell you that you can be anything you want to be. It’s harmless, like telling a child that Santa Claus exists. If you pass 25 and announce you want to float in space or sail around the world, the response is different: be realistic, become a lawyer or an accountant or a doctor, have babies, and raise them to repeat the cycle. Put all of your disposable income in a 401(k) and do your best to enjoy your “too-weak” vacation.

    Lifestyle Design offers more interesting options and reverses this repression.

    Here are just two personal examples of what’s possible once we reset the rules:

  2. Overnight


    Southampton, that's really rude you know...Of course Santa Claus exists. I know he does, because I get presents every year under the X-Mas tree, and have to clean out a dead fat man from the chimney flue a week later. Not sure why I notice the dead fat man thing couple of days after the presents and not sooner, but after a week the smell gets pretty bad. But hey, it's my holiday loot and it works. There's always the compost pile in the back. *shrugs*

    P.S. Who is Tim Ferriss?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
    Xela likes this.
  3. cjbuckley4


    @Overnight Tim Ferriss is the gentlemen with the shaved head who attempts to make a mockery of anyone who has ever worked more than four hours in a week.
  4. I see unconventional success brings the haters. Maybe if you tried Tim's ideas it would improve your life--- or just keep on keeping on in your lives.

  5. cjbuckley4


    I was kinda joking around and I have absolutely zero interest in an Elite Altercation. I do however quite like getting out to Southampton with my buddies if you're referring to NY. Don't worry too much about how my life is going, I'm getting by. I wish you all the conventional or unconventional success you desire. If you like Tim that's your progrative. I don't mind the guy.
    drm7 and Southampton like this.
  6. Among the whole crowd of life coaches only Tim worth listening to.
    Southampton likes this.

  7. latest book tools for titans is released this week. Should be great stuff!
  8. Didn't know about it. Thank you for mentioning :p Definitely going to read.
  9. sothampton.jpg