Tiger's porn star lover shows more emotion than Tiger did in his speech...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by OPTIONAL777, Feb 19, 2010.

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  2. Qty


    Gee, is this for real?
  3. Did you ever think that Tiger has had his emotional catharsis and
    like the death of a loved one he's by now at a stage thats past that. Everybody thinks he should be groveling and in tears ...for their sake; as if he owes Everybody an explanation. At this stage he'd just be summoning phoney histrionics. No doubt he's had that scene with his wife and mother. Not condoning what he did but the mob's need to be part of his private life to the point of chasing his kids around is pathetic. There are people he owes a showing of contrition to but not me and not you.
  4. I swear Tiger has the worst publicist ever.

    Tiger should have just focus on golf instead.
  5. So he owes nothing to the public that made him a billionaire?

    He sold a false image, yet he owes no apology to the people he duped?

    This guy is a Stanford graduate, and he comes across like a robot?

    None of this makes any sense.


  6. He make money to play very good golf. He does that. He did not make the contract to be monogomous with his wife to the public, he make that contract to his wife. So he lie to his wife.
  7. What were you expecting him to do, bawl like a little girl for the crowd? As far as the people making him rich, its funny you adopting the conservative catechism of a money making relationship not being a two way street. As if he didn't provide them anything, esp. the sponsors who used his personna to
    elevate golf to popularity levels its never seen in history. Regardless of this event those monies have been firmly stashed away in God knows what multiples of the contracts payouts he got. And, he did apologize; he simply didn't grovel enough for
    the Nancy Grace's of the American public to feast on his pound of flesh. He just happens to be a guy who actually gets to share in the wealth he helps create in proportion to his contribution. In his case ...it trickles down.
  8. What do I expect?

    Why on earth does Tiger say he is in recovery and continue to lie?

    Aren't you sick of these privileged people who knowingly are fucking some porn star while their pregnant wife is at home...and they claim it is just a mistake?

    A mistake is adding some numbers and coming up with a wrong total, not fucking a bunch of bimbos and then after getting caught saying "I made a mistake."

    Why believe anything this guy says? After being caught, now he is telling the truth?

    He said he never did any performance enhancing drugs?

    Look at his body, look at the Vanity Fair photo shoot of him...and tell me this guy didn't cheat? He cheated on his wife, he cheated the public with a fake image, but he didn't cheat with performance enhancing drugs?

    That is just another of this guy's lies...he is a duplicitous fuck.

    He no longer gets the innocent until proven guilty pass...

    ...and I have no respect at all for his wife is she stays with him...none. He will cheat on her again, she has no self respect if she stays with this guy.

    Man up Tiger, say the words "I am a sex addict." Or "I like fucking trashy women, and I am damn sorry I got caught."

    This guy isn't anywhere near real recovery, not even close.

    Reminds me of drunks who are sentenced by the court to attend AA meetings as part of their sentence.

    Tiger is not doing the "therapy" because he wants to...he wants to be fucking these women, that's why he did it. He likes it.

    Not until he comes clean does he have any chance at recovery, and I hope that no one trusts this guy to be telling anyone the truth just because he got caught...

    Yes...on a moral level he does owe the public, and the women he used for sex something...much more than the fake controlled press conference.

    "In his case ...it trickles down."

    Sure, trickles down the face of the porn stars he gives facials to...

  9. Of course he likes it, its sex. And the women probably got at least as much out of it as he did. Don't let women make you believe its all your pleasure and they're doing you a favor. If you can get past your personal repulsion at what he did and gauge the actual words he used in the speech I think he provided as much as could be expected of him to the public. He just didn't feed the
    media and the preoccupations of people who were hanging on every word. I don't think he owes anyone but his wife, mother and kids a down on his knees act of contrition. It was obvious he feels like shit about it and believes he fucked up but his delivery was simply composed and not maudlin; like a Glenn Beck show.
  10. He feels like shit because he got caught...not because he realized while he was doing it that it was wrong...

    If he had not been caught, he would probably be fucking some bimbo right now...

    That isn't internal change, or a crisis of conscience.

    He won't change, he will try to "behave" differently, but he will absolutely go back to the smack because he never hit any meaningful bottom.

    Sure it was an embarrassment, but did he really feel financial pain? Did his wife divorce him?

    Did he lose all of his endorsements? Did he get HIV like Magic?

    No, his contrition is forced, not genuine. His lack of real emotion is a tell, a huge tell...

    #10     Feb 20, 2010