Thugs, Rioters,Looters,Anarchist

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tony Stark, May 31, 2020.

  1. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark





    PintoFire, Bugenhagen and userque like this.
  2. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    My mistake.They are white so they are patriots.
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  3. Bugenhagen



    And some of the tea ended up in people's kitchens I'm sure.

    We ran out of Irish tea yesterday and the stuff available here tastes like wet grass. OK they have Twinings Earl Gray but its vile lemony stuff. Who actually likes it besides Captain Picard or is it always on the shelves as no bugger will drink it?
    Tony Stark likes this.
  4. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    I would add looting because its likely some of the "activist" took a few packs or boxes of tea home:cool:
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  5. Bugenhagen


    The "sons of liberty", antifa types of the time, who had a peaceful protest planned were subverted by a handful of "violent extremists" in their ranks that day, they also burned the Govoner's coach.

    There were about 16000 people living in Boston at that time, I expect similar to many of these neighbourhoods this weekend. Enough to have sufficient hard cases and enough for them to feel they have some chance of blending back in.

    I have to wonder WTF happened in North Dakota though that required the national guard? Theatre by the establishment or actual need? Must Google. :)
    Tony Stark likes this.
  6. Cuddles



    Bugenhagen and Tony Stark like this.
  7. riddler


    Send the protestors to jail, especially the white protestors and see how well the blacks in jail appreciate the white boy.
    The white protestor will turn into a white supremist in about 2 seconds. Do these wimpy white liberals actually think blacks like them??
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  8. easymon1


    Tax revolt, I'm told.
  9. easymon1


  10. easymon1


    refugees as weapons.jpg
    #10     May 31, 2020