"Throw grandma under the bus!"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gord, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. Also it is not so much Reverand Wrights anti white rants that people are afraid of, it is Obamas 20 year connection. Rev Wright can rant all he wants becasue this country has given him the freedom to do that, he is entitled to his opinion and he has the freedom to express his opinions in his church....but he is not running for President is he? Obama wants to be our president. Obama has to represent the people...ALL people. Obama spent 20 years in that mans church. Why is that?
    #11     Mar 29, 2008
  2. Lucrum


    Personally I think our current choices for President are even worse than the last two elections. Frankly, I don't like any of them either.

    But Obama? As far as I'm concerned we might as well elect Osama Bin Laden.

    I realize to some extent it's human nature to support your "team". Like the consummate fanatic sports fan whose going to root for and defend his favorite team's honor, even if it comes to blows. The fact that they only win one game in four, the coach is a pedophile, the cheerleaders look like the hunchback of Notre Dam and the team captain is out for the season due to a murder trial are all irrelevant.
    That's still HIS team by gawd. Consequently I expect some blacks and ultra liberals to get his vote.

    But still, I'm amazed if not shocked that so many sheeple have fallen for an empty message of "hope" and "change".

    Someone here on ET remarked recently that they didn't understand Obama's policies but were voting for him anyway - because his speeches "made them cry".

    I say oh yeah? Well just wait till this asshole is in the White House for a couple of years. THEN you'll really have something to cry about.
    #12     Mar 29, 2008
  3. that is the best argument against him. but may i remind you of hillary and mccains mindsets? pro amnesty.. anti second amendment... pro war! at least obama is openly against the iraq war... now do i believe him... nah.. but i do believe he would be less hawkish than the sheman and 1000 yr bomb bomb bomb iran boy.
    #13     Mar 29, 2008
  4. Gord


    If history tells us anything, Democrat presidents leave their messes for their inheritors - i.e. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Obama with his pacifism would undoubtedly embolden terrorists and rogue regimes so that his successor would probably be forced into war on multiple fronts. For example, surrendering Iraq and Afghanistan pretty much would guarantee even bloodier wars there in the future. Neither are like Vietnam where the North simply wanted control of the South. The enemies that would overtake Iraq and Afghanistan are enemies of the west and wish to see our demise, seeing it as the will of their god. You can't just play nice with these people and think they will go away. They see our weakness as their strength. Bill Clinton's lack of will to strongly defend American interests only convinced them that America could be beat. Obama and his Kool Aid drinkers may think we can withdraw and that would end the war, but our enemies would only see that as retreat and a reason to push even harder.
    #14     Mar 29, 2008
  5. Major flaws in all the candidates. Tough choice to make and I don't know where to go on this yet. But for me personally Obama poses the biggest threat IF he follows an anti american crusade once elected. That possibility turns me away from voting for him.
    #15     Mar 29, 2008
  6. no offense but you are so brainwashed i find it hard to have a civil debate. you sound like fox news.... or rush fatbaugh or michelle malkin.

    i tried my best to talk some sense into you people before the iraq war but you were so stupid you couldn't hear.... you were so full of fox fear. please stop drinking the fox koolade. rupert murdoch is a globalist.. who supports hillary... you really think his network isnt 100% propaganda? he hates our guts and wants us destroyed.
    #16     Mar 29, 2008
  7. Gord


    You don't debate - you just throw invective.

    So please explain to me your reasoning for thinking that surrendering Iraq and Afghanistan would not embolden our enemies even more...

    [I'm willing to bet you will just respond with more invective. You are a typical liberal - all one-line-shots and no substance.]
    #17     Mar 29, 2008

  8. EMBOLDEN WHO? freedom fighters? ummmm.... last time i looked we invaded their country for no reason? what part of this do you not get? no one thinks iraq had anything to do with 9/11... we know they had no wmd's... i begged people to listen about that before the war. this was planned in the 90's.... all one big scam and you fell for it.

    it is an illegal invasion.. there are war crimes now. do you solve this by more killing? how are they going to hurt us over here? you believe the al qaeda propaganda? please dear God help these people to see.
    #18     Mar 29, 2008
  9. you are the liberal just like mccain. you want to escalate an illegal war.. drive up deficits and ruin this country. i hear fox news is looking for neocon interns.. hurry up! i think you got a shot.
    #19     Mar 29, 2008
  10. What the fuck you talking about? Hillary is a damn socalist! Prove to me how Barack could be worse than Hillary. Plz!!

    I swear the real reason for all this Obama bashing is because he's black. Had he been white, this thread would not exist...
    #20     Mar 29, 2008