Thoughtful Progressives See Common Ground With Alt Right

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. One of the political themes that has fascinated me is the convergence of far left and far right opinion. We saw in the primaries that many Bernie supporters shared the same basic concerns as Trump supporters, even if the thought of supporting a republican was unthinkable to them. Similarly, we see the black nationalist "hotep" movement openly advocating alliance with the alt right.

    This article is a pretty good examination of this phenomenon from the perspective of an apparently non-crazy progressive.

    She makes the point that the decision whether or not to prosecute Julian Assange will likely be a make or break issue for Trump and his alt right supporters. Assange is the Deep State's number one enemy, as he has repeatedly embarrassed them and in the process, assumed cult hero status among groups like 4chan.

    Trump's dizzying move from non-interventionist to neo-con has already alarmed supporters. His seeming willingness to use trade reform as a bargaining chip to enlist China's help with North Korea is perhaps understandable, but it undermines another key campaign issue. He appears to be holding fairly strong on immigration, his other signature issue.

    Assange admittedly presents a difficult issue. He did publish secret documents that probably hurt national security. So did the NYTimes and WashPost and no one is prosecuting them. Assange also exposed the lies told to congress by the head of national security. Not coincidentally Wikileaks published the leaked DNC and Podesta files that exposed corruption in the democrat party and sickening toadying by the mainstream media.

    Underestimating Trump is dangerous. He may be using Assange as leverage or as a bargaining chip with the Deep State. "Bring me the leakers and people who spied on my campaign and I'll give you Assange." And they could always let Assange off with a slap on the wrist.

    It seems very wrong however. Why alienate your most ardent supporters? A little gratitude would not be out of place either.
  2. java


    Far left alt right where the circle meets. Both are anti establishment. Libertarians are not anti anything. We are just pro liberty and that is what far left and alt right must sacrifice to be unified under the libertarian banner.
  3. Thoughtful progressives is a bit of an oxymoron. There's not a whole lot of thinking required as they goose step towards their fascist utopia. There is plenty of mindless goose stepping on the far right as well. One can easily argue that thoughtfulness is not a primary requirement to be a member of these groups. In fact, thinking is an absolute no-no. Drink the koolaid, soak up the indoctrination, and blindly march off the cliff to oblivion. America never sees a 22nd century at the rate we're going, not even close.
    Max E., Tom B and Clubber Lang like this.
  4. java


    Who is zooming whom? Listen to far right, and far left, then middle establishment and you tell me who is driving me crazy.
  5. wildchild


    I don't even know what this alt-right thing is.

    As for me, I am a free market Constitutionalist. It does not appear there is a party advocating that and its a shame. This used to be a great country.
  6. java


    What are the libertarians? I know they prefer free markets and respect the constitution.
  7. I would have described myself the same fairly recently. Now I see that "free market" is a fraud. There is no such thing. Both parties are fully committed to corporatism and globalism. And the "constitution?" What a joke now. We have a collection of political hacks masquerading as judges and dressing up their policy preferences as constitutional rights.

    The alt right is a recent development. If you are skeptical of regime change and nation building, if you think our immigration laws actually should be enforced and if you see that "free trade" has been a fraud that hollowed out our manufacturing base and killed our middle class, then you are probably alt right.
  8. wildchild


    Seeing "free market" as a fraud because no one in government defends it, does not make "free market" a fraud. The same with the Constitution. There is no party that defends either principle, but that does not mean the principles are bad. Neither principle is defended because of a lack of courage.

    As far as immigration laws being enforced, you have already shot that one dead. If you turn your back on free market because no one defends it, and you turn your back on the Constitution because no one defends it, then you must turn your back on immigration laws, because no one defends them, even Trump.

    As far as free trade is concerned, I think an entire attitude adjustment is in order. If you think you can show up and do mediocre work and still make middle class money, you are sadly mistaken. You are not entitled to anything in life, regardless what your elected officials tell you. I was listening to the radio the other day and this guy was saying he worked construction and he estimated that 90% of the construction workers used marijuana on the job. I think the stat is overblown, but it highlights an issue.
  9. wildchild


    Can they get someone to run who is not a total goofball?
  10. Piptaker


    Western countries are now to be corporate owned.

    I've always thought people could be divided into 2 groups, pro government and authority and anti government and authority. It's kind of weird watching anti fa who are more state control and pro Trump supporters who are less state control clashing but they can still both be defined as pro state with just a difference in preference.

    We need to have a major clear out politically and philosophically with an anti state movement.

    Anti fa and alt right is just a distraction to this solution I'm afraid AAA....
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
    #10     Apr 23, 2017