Those Born 1930-1979!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by sharkbites, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. it's very likely 99% of members here were born between those dates. infact i would bet we all did.
    #11     Aug 26, 2006
  2. bjg


    I wasn't.
    #12     Aug 26, 2006

  3. ya i forgot also jm is 19yro; u both still ladybabies then. :D
    #13     Aug 26, 2006
  4. Banjo


    1930 -79 comprises almost an entire generation. I grew up in the burbs of Cleveland's east side......
    Uncles cars with big fins and and yards of chrome inside and out.
    Boy scout camping, putting earthworms in canned spaghetti and watching the vic eat it while making dinner conversation.
    Throwing snowballs at cars from fields and woods, some of those guys under 30 could hoof it pretty good, if they caught you and took you home , deep shit.
    Throwing tomatoes at cars on summer nights, see above.
    Free riding, hanging on to bus bumpers in winter on snow covered streets to get some where. Everything was fine except the car behind you blowing his horn like crazy and when your feet hit a sewer cover that had no snow cause they retained heat from below.
    The ubiquitious dog shit or personal shit in a bag , lighting it on fire on somebody's porch and ringing the doorbell.
    Saturday bike rides to Chagrin Falls or Solon on 2 lane roads yet.
    Walking to school starting the 7th grade, 1 mile each way.
    Drugstore with a counter and those green milkshake mixing machines. They'd give you the extra in the metal mixing container, stayed cold and yummy.
    Cheerleaders, first real look at upper thigh flesh nearly my age.
    Prom nights, guarranteed some touch as we played grown up long before the time of limos and other extravaganza.
    People are forced into realities much younger now and life has a shadow of paranoia 24/7. If you snatched a kid in my hood or sexually molested one you were hoping the cops caught you before the Italians did.
    #14     Aug 26, 2006
  5. ...or how much worse! :(
    #15     Aug 26, 2006
  6. It's worse in other countries. I knew someone that grew up in a Rom camp on the edge of a Bulgarian city. He grew up eating carp from a highly polluted river. Maybe that's why he was an a- hole.
    #16     Aug 26, 2006
  7. pattersb

    pattersb Guest

    In my youth, ADD was a arithmetic operation and only an arithmetic operation...

    My impression of this trend is, little boys are being medicated to act like little girls. That's just my impression. Lord knows, a few of my teachers may have insisted I be put on meds. (even though I was well-behaved for the most part, I had a bit of a wild-side)
    #17     Aug 28, 2006
  8. I made it...don't know how. The opening post pretty much covered it. Born in 1958.

    My teenage years were far more dangerous.
    #18     Aug 29, 2006
  9. (Yes, I'm quoting myself....on purpose, I got the transcript).

    Aug.24'06: Every year, Beloit College in Beloit, WI, comes out with its mindset list for incoming freshmen. It's a huge perspective-builder, and the class of 2010 is no exception. By the way, that is twenty-ten. Enough of this "two thousand" nonsense—1810, 1910, 2010. 'Nuff said. For the most part, the class of 2010 was born in 1988, and for them, the following is true: the Soviet Union has never existed, and therefore, is about as scary as the student union. There has always been only one Germany. They have known only two presidents. The rest, from George H.W. Bush back to George Washington, are all part of the same dusty pages of history. The class of 2010 has never had anyone actually "ring it up" on a cash register, and the phrase sounds distinctly quaint to them. Madden has always been a game.and a fat old guy on TV, not a Super Bowl-winning coach. They never saw Bernard Shaw on CNN. Contact lenses have always been disposable. Smoking has always been banned on U.S. airlines, which have never served food, and have always been bankrupt. They rarely have occasion to place a stamp on an envelope. For the class of 2010, no one has ever shot a skyhook in the NBA. There have never been two teams in St. Louis called the Cardinals. While rummaging in their grandparents attics, they've sometimes come across some messy black sheets called...carbon paper. (They're only vaguely aware of what this is for.) There have always been organ transplants and DNA evidence. The most trusted man in America isn't Walter Cronkite...but Mr. Rogers. Ringo Starr is an older former musician who has always been clean and sober. And for the class of 2010, Billy Martin, Billy Carter, Gilda Radner, Andy Gibb, Lucille Ball, and Secretariat...have always been dead.:D
    #19     Aug 29, 2006
  10. traderob


    Started riding motocrcycles and jeeps when I was 12 on my uncles farm. Got my car license one week after I turned 15- cop wanted to know how I could drive so well..Motcorcyle license the next month.
    #20     Aug 29, 2006