This Trader Just Committed Suicide

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by bat1, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. bone


    Ten years ago an acquaintance/occasional golfing-drinking buddy/hang-around-dude at a prop firm I was at blew his brains out with a handgun. A DAX scalper who hit a rough patch with his trading, and he was in his 40's.

    Ultimately, it was a very cowardly and despicable act since he had a family as well. Never reached out, but liked to bitch and moan about the markets while never taking any advice or seriously entertaining a change in strategy. Bothers me still.
    #11     Dec 30, 2010
  2. As you noted, your friend was not a trader, but a gambler whose game of choice happened to be the market. There was no edge, method, or system that was going to save him, other than GA. Sorry to hear of your losing a friend though. He wasn't a bad guy, just a sick one.
    #12     Dec 30, 2010
  3. the1


    #13     Dec 30, 2010
  4. trading without stops will get YOU !

    market knows what you think and knows how to trick/intimidate you into not doing the right thing - exit loser quick ! Eventually will drive YOU to margin call. And then reverse.

    except of course if you use no leverage. And happy to chase 5% above inflation reeturn per year which is a happy way to do it.
    #14     Dec 30, 2010
  5. telozo


    Yogananda taught his students the need for direct experience of truth, as opposed to blind belief. He said that “The true basis of religion is not belief, but intuitive experience. Intuition is the soul’s power of knowing God. To know what religion is really all about, one must know God.

    A bit of a contradiction in terms. What exactly is intuitive experience? Some kind of gut feeling for traders? We all know how well that works!
    #15     Dec 30, 2010
  6. post a link to verify your story...or is it a b.s. story.

    it's pretty common actually in the options pit...and in the casino in las vegas.

    nothig big deal.

    anyway post a link to verify the story or you are wasting every time fake post?
    #16     Dec 30, 2010
  7. Personally I would hope anyone trading futures realizes that - also anyone selling short and selling options without protection as well.

    Killing ones self over money is just stupid - just move to a farm in ND, MT, OK, whatever - mow lawns for a living or something - half the people would probably end up enjoying their lives more that way actually.

    #17     Dec 30, 2010
  8. some of the better paid day traders like big stocks and cost average a bad trade.
    #18     Dec 30, 2010
  9. pspr


    A search in Google shows no information about this suicide. Only found in a few forums, some of which have deleted the story. Unless someone can find a link to this story in a newspaper, I suspect it is bogus.
    #19     Dec 30, 2010
  10. bat1
