This Nigerian guy must be a real racist.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    This guy must be a real racist!

    Optionpro007 and Tom B like this.
  2. exGOPer


    Max E. playing dumb as usual

    Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

    Do people even really understand what our president is saying?

    Look, I'm not angry because he calls places "shitholes". I'm a first generation immigrant. I come from a shithole. I lived 10 years in a shithole. I'll freely call it a shithole. I won't get offended if you call it a shithole! It's a shithole! Happy?

    But how DARE he use my origin as an excuse to demand an additional reason to explain my presence here? Why is it up to me (but not say, a white Norwegian) to provide some extra level of justification for why I deserve the chance to be an American?

    If these places really are shitholes, shouldn't there be an even greater obligation to help people who come from there, specifically because they're in the most danger?

    Apparently not. Because Trump sincerely believes that some people do, and some people do not deserve the chance to be Americans, and your birthplace (and by extension, your race) is a key deciding factor in whether you deserve the chance to be an American.

    Notice that he did not ask "Why are we letting in poor people?" or "Why are we letting in people without degrees?" or "Why are we letting in people with criminal histories" or "Why are we letting in people who refuse to learn English?". No, let's cut the crap, already, because deep down, we know damn well that he's not talking about merit, or even about your place of origin. After everything you've seen, who do you think Trump is more likely to feel is more deserving citizenship? One of those scary Muslims that are "taking over" Norway, or a white South African? Cuz I got a feeling that when he's looking at those people, the calculus for determining whether their home countries count as "shitholes" suddenly changes.

    Trump is practically saying "America is for white people. The rest are interlopers until proven otherwise. Until someone explains to me WHY they're even allowed here." Let's not forget either, that in this particular situation, he's not even talking about illegal immigrants. He doesn't get to even use that old fig-leaf.

    He's talking about a reconfiguration of who we even allow the chance to become legal, through all the proper channels, not based on merit, not based on national security, not based on employability, but specifically targeted against the people he happens to hate.

    And yet, the media is taking the bait. Already they rush to obfuscate the issue, to absolve him of the real evil of his comment by focusing on the "inappropriate word" he used.

    Already, we're having these dumb conversations like "Well, he denied that he said that exact word, but he said she said that he did!" or "Well, to be fair, Haiti isn't exactly a nice place to live, he's just saying what everyone thinks privately, and he just chose a colorful word to describe it...", and instead of focusing on the racism, we just go "Oh, but look at the pretty beaches of Haiti! It's not a shithole! Look at the natural beauty and rich culture of-" SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    What bearing does that debate have on anything?!? As if Trump's greatest sin is his vocabulary and not watching the Travel Channel?

    What our president said today isn't just boorish, it isn't just cruel. It betrays a deep and insidious level of racism that can only be described as white supremacy. Again. This is a pattern, don't forget. But in this instance, he is literally throwing a tantrum because the "wrong people" are enjoying the benefit of immigration.

    And it is so depressing and so terrifying, that even Trump's opponents - the people who represent the best hope we got to survive this regime - are just gonna waltz past that and chide him for his language.

    If I'm the one from the shithole, how come Americans are so stupid that they keep falling for this crap over and over?

    Tony Stark likes this.
  3. Tom B

    Tom B

    Senator Lindsey Graham Calls Mexico A Hellhole

    Max E. likes this.
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    This article is hilarious, if your willing to admit these are shithole countries, how does the next argument move to "We should be letting more people in from these countries?"

    Sorry but there is a reason these countries are shitholes and its because by and large the people living in them have turned them in too shitholes, so why do we want to take people from these countries, when if you look at any statistic, the reason its a shithole is because people tend to be less educated, tend to commit more crime, tend do do worse on every single metric.

    The country is just a meaningless boundry its the people inside the countries that turn them into shitholes.

    DTB2 likes this.
  5. RRY16


    Uncinch the lapband, get off the couch, turn off the T.V.,give the bottle a rest and go travel the world.
  6. exGOPer


    Because letting people in should be a matter of MERIT AND UTILITY and not where they were born which is out of their control.

    How the fuck can you not understand that point?

    How many people came from Ireland and Italy in the past? Are they shitholes?

    How many Asians come into the country who top schools and colleges on a regular basis? Didn't they come from shitholes but outclass people who came from other shitholes decades before them?
  7. Max E.

    Max E.

    Thats exactly the point he made that it should be about merit and utility, we have a lot more use for immigrants from places like india and china, who will add to silicon valley than we do for low skilled labor, anybody could work those jobs if they paid enough.

    The left loves to complain that places like walmart dont pay enough. Well whats the easy solution to that problem?

    You can either force them to pay more, or you can cut the labor supply. Its pretty obvious that not taking in people from shithole countries will raise the wages at these places.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
  8. LacesOut


    Fuck off loser...

    Says the guy who calls half US states Shitholes ..
    says the guy who calls those who live in half said US states ‘inbred’.

    I’m sure you would LOVE to have families of 10 Haitians and El Salvadorans move beside you...because compassion.

    You’d prefer that to having an American Conservative who came from a domestic shithole.
    Optionpro007 and DTB2 like this.
  9. exGOPer


    You can go fuck yourself with your fake moral outrage. You regularly insult anybody who is not a rightwinger, you insult liberal states in your posts all the time, you have degrading nicknames for liberals and liberal posters but now you are outraged that somebody calls out your own infested shitholes for what they are.

    Those Haitians and Salvadorans have more class and decency in their assholes then your entire ilk put together.
  10. exGOPer


    And India and China are not shitholes? There is as much poverty there as there is in many African countries.

    People who are coming from these countries are not coming to work at Walmart, they are either taking high skilled jobs or working at very low skilled jobs that Americans don't want. I have no problems with targeted protectionism but isn't that anti-capitalist now?
    #10     Jan 14, 2018