this is why the futures are dead --READ

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Warrior4g, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. with all the fed did yesterday,the LOBOR rate and the european rates barely moved. this sent a message to the markets that the fed's attempts to help the market are futile at best. now,to add insult to injury,the inflation numbers that were just released a few minutes ago were much worse(higher) than expected. what the heck is the fed supposed to do now! they cannot lower rates any more because a weaker dollar will add fuel to inflation. this might be very ugly today and i mean ugly. no last minute bounce like we had yesterday.
  2. Bad from an investors point but good from a trader's view.
  3. piezoe


    On the other hand, as i write this at 7:42 am central the USD is rising steeply versus the Yen. Suggesting that we may have already put in the low in the ER2 near 760 and can expect up from here for the am at least, and that suggests that the S&P will do likewise (or vice versa). Oh, I don't know why I bother, because I know you guys will slam me either right or wrong. I would NOT go short at the open guys. Play it cool.
  4. the dollar is rising becasue of the inflation data.
  5. Are you new to trading by any chance? Just wondering, maybe this is the first gap down you ever witnessed :confused:
  6. I guess you mean the Usd LIBOR rates. They move a lot and are generally all over the place ever since the housing/liquidity mess started. Compare the controled hiking and flat environment to the last 5 months on the attached chart. You can see the more recent rate cuts broadly reflected, in a rather volantile way.
  7. Shagi


    These are idiotic actions by the central bankers - they cannot save the situation permanent - the ship will sink with them aboard. go all out short
  8. central bankers don`t want the situation saved.......this is how they confiscate wealth from the people.......this game they play by printing & controlling it`s issuance is blueprinted.
  9. Shagi


    Its gangster central banking - Bernie is the godfather with his thugs all over europe :p
  10. piezoe


    Ahhhghh!! 10:30 est. Oh my fricken god (with a small g) what a choppy fricken mess!!! But it's up guys for the am.
    #10     Dec 13, 2007