This is our higher education system

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. Did NIST Look For Explosives?

    by Richard Gage (AIA), Gregg Roberts, & David Chandler

    From the article Explosives and Thermitic Material Brought Down Buildings on 9/11

    No. NIST did not look for physical evidence of explosives. In fact NIST did not look at the physical evidence at all, apart from a few selected samples of the steel. The rest was destroyed. However, physical evidence did remain: the dust. NIST did not look at the dust, but independent investigators did. They discovered, along with the microspheres, tiny red-grey chips. They examined samples of WTC dust from different parts of Manhattan. All contained the red-gray chips. They found that the red layer consisted of unignited nano-thermite. Ordinary thermite is an incendiary: it can burn through heavy steel in seconds. The tiny particles in nano-thermite (1/1000 the thickness of a human hair) causes a much faster reaction so it can be used as a high explosive. The discovery of nano-thermite in the WTC dust was published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal in April 2009.

    The NIST Joke

    NIST spokesperson Michael E. Neuman was challenged by Hartford Advocate reporter Jennifer Abel on this glaring omission in the WTC report…

    ABEL: … what about that letter where NIST said it didn’t look for evidence of explosives?

    NEUMAN: Right, because there was no evidence of that.

    ABEL: But how can you know there’s no evidence if you don’t look for it first?

    NEUMAN: If you’re looking for something that isn’t there, you’re wasting your time….
    Wow. That’s a good one Neuman…

    The Earth would still be flat if we followed that circular NIST logic.

    Or maybe… did they know exactly what not to look for?

    A New Investigation Now

    Based on the verifiable allegations that NIST most probably has close ties with nanothermite and that they clearly never officially looked for traces of explosives, and based on the fact that unignited chips of nanothermite were found in large quantities in the WTC dust by independent scientists, we can clearly see one of the most important conflict of interest of our century.

    This alone should be enough for the Department of Justice to call for a new independent investigation with subpoena powers. If they don’t understand that, we suggest they change their name to the Department of Injustice and Cover-ups.
    #11     Sep 4, 2010
  2. #12     Sep 4, 2010
  3. 377OHMS


    Look, I don't want to pile on, I already stated my opinion about truthers in another thread. But this going on and on about thermite is so lame. Thermite is so stupid simple that I made it when I was in the 7th grade: 3AL+7FE3O4--->7FE. I knew that formula when I was in the third grade.

    I don't see the high science here, just a man almost foaming at the mouth over some very implausible speculation. Its embarrassing. Please tell me you aren't a republican.
    #13     Sep 4, 2010
  4. Do your eyes get really big and people kind of back away from you when you start talking like this? :p
    #14     Sep 4, 2010
  5. Same thing here. Had to leave the EE building to take an elective. It was tough because everything was SO subjective. No data points, no falsification, nothing. The first time I found a hole in a professors theory and I wrote a paper on it. He gave me a D without telling me why. I went to the Dean. He did nothing, but he did tell me to retake the class and to go along to get along. I did, and got an A by basically parroting what this woman had said, none of which was falsifiable. I learned fast that outside of the hard sciences, whoever is in charge is who determines what is true.

    It is sad, but a lot of these kids will come out with degrees and messed up heads.

    Edit: And another thing REALLY different was this multiple choice stuff. I had a physics II teacher who would give 2 question tests. That's right, 2 questions. Miss one, and guess what?

    There were tests that NO ONE passed. Funny thing though, if you got through his class, Physics III, was comedy.
    #15     Sep 5, 2010
  6. I learned fast that outside of the hard sciences, whoever is in charge is who determines what is true.

    The birth of political correctness.
    #16     Sep 5, 2010
  7. American tertiary education is still the best in the world, its the dumbed down high school kids who are the problem. Back at Cornell, I knew many kids from foreign countries who got 800/800 for their SAT maths component and they were shocked when i told them what the average was. They were like, wtf how can anyone not get 800. Ironically, it is the foreign immigrants who continue to keep the highest levels of american research and innovation alive, kept alive by the American dream. Just look at the Nobel prize winners, many are basically foreigners born in Europe, Asia etc, but are tenured to an American university.Most of the natives have become dumbed down, drunk on reality TV.
    #17     Sep 5, 2010
  8. On Bill O'Reilly's The Factor this week, there was a guy who had written a book about the state of college education in America... made the point that conservative students had to spew back the Leftist bilge they are taught by professors or have their grade significantly marked down... sad. :(
    #18     Sep 5, 2010
  9. you might want to think long and hard about how you rationalize these two statements:

    "However, I choose Pascal's Wager.

    I believe in a God because it is the logical thing to do. If there is no God, I lost nothing. If there is, I gained everything."
    #19     Sep 5, 2010
  10. Eight


    I had a professor that decided to give me zero pts for all the work I turned in [written from a very conservative viewpoint] after the last day to drop a class without penalty... he didn't know that I knew how to game the computerized system and I dropped the class with no penalty anyhow... so a friend in the counseling offices told me the guy was raising hell about that...

    These leftist bastards are ruthless in the acquisition of power and that is about all you have to know about them other than they are weak kneed when it comes to dealing with evil [because they can't tell right from wrong that much]
    #20     Sep 5, 2010