This is not a stable Market

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Trexticle, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. I don't see any stability going forward.


    Looks like a sling shot on steroids.

    Right shoulder at about 11500 to 12000 and neckline about 7000 and then on down to 3000 or lower.
  2. I certainly hope not.

    Stability (aka sideways) sucks.
  3. CET


    Traders worship at the altar of volatility, but that would only be news to an investor. :eek:
  4. Of course this was not a stable market either.


    Great to trade but how would you like to have your 401k in that market. 25 years and a negative gain!
  5. The market will continue to go up as long as the dollar continues to go down. You should be putting your dollars where foreigners are putting theirs.
  6. Today is Chart Day






    Open your eyes!
  7. OK, so things have been going to hell in America for more than 224 years. What else is new? It has its compensations. I can't buy a slave for $20 or land for pennies on the hectare any more, but if I catch the clap from a slave's descendant in a back alley I can get a course of penicillin for $3 at WalMart. And watch violent movies in HDTV with surround sound, and shoot guns any one of which would have settled the issue right fast at Concord Bridge, or watch naked female cello players play Vivaldi on YouTube. And look at what is for free today, like ET. Fiat currency has never been worth a shit. The trick is to stay one step ahead of inexorable inflation by buying durable toys. How much will you give for a screwable gynecoid when it hits the market? The marvels of modern money chasing its tail.

  8. You are a dumbass and need to stop posting.

    401ks are managed - rebalanced and moved all the time. It's not like buying an index for 25 years and ending up underwater. Dumbass.
  9. Yea, your right. They are probably doing much worse than the graph.

    Most people put their money into their 401k and just pick the first 4 or 5 funds on the list that seam to be doing the best and then don't touch it until it goes bad for a while. Then they move it to other funds that are doing good at the time. So they would probably be better off just using an index fund if it were available. A lot of the crappy funds offered through 401k's can't even keep up to the index funds because they are "managed" so well.

    Do you think you know everything?
  10. Also,

    What the Hell is wrong with this picture.


    This sold for 5.5 million in 2007 at Barrett-Jackson Auction. I don't give a crap if there was only one made in the history of man kind. Things can only get so "krazy" before the craziness has to end.
    #10     Dec 2, 2009