This is mind blowing

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Maverick74, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. Maverick74


  2. olias


    wow. that does look impressive. nice post
  3. Matcha


    Thanks for sharing!
    Puxi used to be a piece of bare land in 1990...
    I kind of miss the old Bund in Puxi in the 90s...

    I "heart" SH!:p
  4. heech


    You can get (almost) similar pictures from just about any first-tier city in China.

    You should see Shenzhen, which basically didn't exist 25 years ago.
  5. It's not just China... Do it for a place like Dubai or Moscow and you're likely to see smth similar.
  6. Asian skyscrapers are pretty cool.

    one of my favs. like a bunch of chinese food buckets
    stacked. :D


  7. In America...we do things different.
    This is detroit.


  8. Here is another one that has seen some decay. Kabul, Afganistan. These pictures are taken 40 years apart in the Paghman gardens. Its Amazing how a place can go from so nice to so desolate. (I bet most of you thought afganistan was always a backwards war torn country, didnt you? It wasnt)

  9. LOL........The "Financial Grid Takedown" at work....and bye, bye US manufacturing base! :eek:
  10. #10     Jan 20, 2011