This is how a single high-fat meal can lead to Heart Disease

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by FortuneTeller, Apr 14, 2021.

  1. Since I first read this awhile back, it has always concerned me whether a high fat diet is the best way to go or not. I realize that most Keto type dieters only eat in a small window during the day (4-8 hours) so it might not effect them as much but what about those who eat perhaps 3x a day?

    This is how a single high-fat meal can lead to heart disease (

    A single high-fat meal provokes pathological erythrocyte remodeling and increases myeloperoxidase levels: implications for acute coronary syndrome | Laboratory Investigation (
  2. Overnight


    Yada yada yada. Everything is cut and dry in a lab. Did they test sugar content in their super- HFM? Of course not.

    If after the first 7 minutes of this film you are not compelled to watch the rest of it, then you are lost in a sea of "foamy myocytes". ROFL!

  3. Yeah, too much pure refined sugar can be bad. The low fat test came out better and yet it had 5 times the amount of carbs and only half the amount of protein of the first higher fat test?

    I've already watched the film you show.

    And who are you by the way, Dr. Berg? :rolleyes:
  4. Overnight


    I'm this.

  5. Well, I hope you are not Grace Slick. :confused:

    Buy1Sell2 likes this.
  6. Buy1Sell2


    How unfortunate---