This is exactly how things are going to Play out, inside USA

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Chiqou, Nov 26, 2009.



    It's called a force majeure or an Act of God. That's why Gold is in a mad rally mode.
    #11     Nov 26, 2009
  2. You're making value judgements, which I would agree with. But they are irrelevant. Chiqou is merely stating facts. What he said about Russia and China are FACTS.
    #12     Nov 26, 2009
  3. Chiqou


    You really are confused, how can you be confused. How old are you.
    I said Russia and China have no debt and Russia has OIL and GAS

    Are you still confused, or are you just unwilling to see the truth just like US government.

    I am not a fan of Russia or China but if you are a fan of USA, you must be drunk on kool-aid
    #13     Nov 26, 2009
  4. Chiqou


    Act of God, or Act of Man.

    Event I am talking about in my post in this thread

    I am talking about an Act of Man, and there could be big casualties.
    #14     Nov 26, 2009
  5. Why don't we all just admit that the global sovereign bond market, to a large degree, will just ultimately collapse?

    What will the consequences of such an event be? Who knows. It's not just about economics - but geopolitics as well. Too many moving parts in the global marketplace to make even a close prediction.

    But I can't see it ending well. That's as good of a prediction that I can make.

    But, if I had to pick winners, it would be nations with abundant natural resources including energy, decent climate for food production that produces a surplus, and a strong military to protect those tangible benefits.

    We will return to a world that measures its country's wealth not on the faith and credit of a country's BS financial system and FIRE economy, but in the REAL STUFF that can be grown, mined, or drilled from its soil. A military helps too - the bigger the better.

    Just like Jim Rodgers once said - financial engineers should drive tractors. To which I would add - or swing a pick to mine, or carry a gun to defend. That's all that matters. Typing on a keybopard to earn an extravagant living will become more and more rare. :D
    #15     Nov 26, 2009
  6. Chiqou


    Your name is hard to type Misthos

    Your post however should be framed for future generations.
    #16     Nov 26, 2009
  7. You raise a very good point that I had not considered. Everyone talks about Canada, Russia, the Mid-East, China and Australia as being rich in natural resources because they have gold and/or oil. But our country is rich in the natural resource of food production. I don't keep track of agricultural exports, but aren't we one of the largest exporters of agricultural products? Isn't China an importer of agricultural products? I guess if I had to choose between gold, oil or food, I would choose food.
    #17     Nov 26, 2009
  8. China and India are currently importing proprietary technology from the developed worlds at a rate they could never do on their own from their cheap labor-force. When they decide that they no longer need the developed world for the technology, that's when we will have trouble with them but that is still many years away.

    This picture sums up China real well. Their "leaders" are drowning them in waste to fatten their wallets. Our leaders are trying to save us from waste...

    "Money demands that you sell not your weakness to man's stupidity but your talent to their reason." -Ayn Rand

    The reason I worry so much about the Obama Administration is that he comes into office relatively poor. The corruption that has happened and will continue to happen will be unprecedented as he gets his nut...
    #18     Nov 26, 2009
  9. jprad


    25 years ago the FACT (at the time) was that Japan was going to kick the US' ass.

    How'd that turn out?

    OIL and GAS was there before, and didn't prevent the old USSR from imploding.

    I say they're another 1980s Japan until proven otherwise.

    China? You've got to be kidding to rely on any of their FACTs when the Yuan is pegged and every damned bank, factory and other industry is propped up by the government.
    #19     Nov 26, 2009
  10. jprad



    People gotta eat and the US feeds the world.

    Full stop.
    #20     Nov 26, 2009