This is a manipulated bull market, how long can it last?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by apple, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. apple


    Everyone buy the dip in a panic, look at STX, WDC, new hight after short dip!
    #31     Aug 8, 2012
  2. I predict the market will go back down sometime within the next week or two. Just in case you were really wanting my opinion.

    I agree though, the market is rigged. I find it hard to believe that the market isn't all but completely dominated by artificial intelligent trading software, capable of reacting to Al Gore rythyms, and other data feeds infinitely faster than any of us mere humans could-

    With the technology these days, it's only a matter of time before the market, the economy, and currency collapses due to the capabilities of these machines that will basically be able to print money from the market.

    My advice is to buy a shotgun and a bible; dig a hole, and take as much gold and food down into it that you can.
    #32     Aug 8, 2012
  3. lol. is the bible for toilet paper?
    #33     Aug 8, 2012
  4. No, no machine could ever possess the power to accurately model an Al Gore rhythm...

    Kurzweil spoke about this very issue himself when discussing the singularity...he referred to it as "Gore's Law."

    Briefly, it posits that as machines become exponentially more powerful, they will "assymptotically approach "'Gorian rhythmic capability'" but will never actuall reach it.

    Much like the speed of light, the "Gorian assymptote" is a universal speed limit for computing power...
    #34     Aug 8, 2012
  5. I don't know if they could ever keep up with Al Gore's rhythms, but they can definitely sift through the data, and react accordingly at the speed of light.

    By the time you read this, a machine somewhere has probably laundered in the excess of billions.
    #35     Aug 8, 2012
  6. I hope Kurzweil liquidates his positions before its too late!
    #36     Aug 8, 2012
  7. NoDoji


    Ditch the gold; you can't eat it and it's way too pricey to use as ammo.
    #37     Aug 8, 2012
  8. piezoe


    I like the idea of taking a bible down the hole with you. In fact I recommend everyone dig a hole and put a minimum of one bible in it, but more would be better.
    #38     Aug 8, 2012
  9. I'm not sure where this quote came from. I was probly just feeling the heat of a losing trade and felt like spouting off some rhetoric.
    My bold prediction stands though.
    Carry on...
    #39     Aug 8, 2012
  10. apple


    Recently, I have seen those novice investors who made a lot are laughing at those loser and those who don't touch the market. It's so easy to make money by just buying AAPL at every dip.
    Is this a sign that stategy won't work any more?
    #40     Aug 8, 2012