This guy was in hiding....

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by maxpi, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. maxpi


  2. why was he in hiding?
  3. According to the article, he murdered a corrections officer.

    I have to say, i dont think id particularly trust someone with their face covered in extremist tattoos. Still, probably save a lot of time trying to explain your point of veiw to someone.

    Ironically, he could have gone full-face black tatts, and actually been incognito-how would that wash with his supremacist buddies?

  4. I think it was because he was one ugly MF'er...

    Tatoo's helped a little, but not much...
  5. "I have to say, i dont think id particularly trust someone with their face covered in extremist tattoos. Still, probably save a lot of time trying to explain your point of veiw to someone."

    It does save a lot of time. Take one look and you can tell where the guy is coming from. This is good. The ones we have to worry about are "Oh he was just a regular guy, kept to himself, waved in the morning" mass murder types. It is the normal looking people that worry me.
  6. yeah he was pretty ugly. that could have been a reason..