This "escort" makes $1000 an hour, the escort indicator...wallstreet is booming again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by S2007S, May 14, 2015.

  1. luisHK


    Did you dream that story along with your studies in Paris' Louis le Grand ?

    As of escorts going on a succesful career as the topic has been mentionned before, usually it will be on a different feld, and it's very unlikely they add the payforplay experience on their curriculum. If the girl/boy is smart it can open some important doors besides bringing much more cash than a typical student job.
    But if you want one an instance who did well in that scene - from a country not too hung up on prostitution- and who is quite confortable in her role, Lisa is pretty good.
    I met her a couple of times along her husband - not in the Venusia, the brothel she runs and where she might still turn tricks, but in cigar aficionados meetings as she takes care of a Geneva cigar group.
    She got a book published and offered handicapped access to her club which brought much media attention to her.
    Switzerland is civilized country at least, a couple of miles away in France doing the same activity she would end up in jail, but there she gets positive spotlights.

    You can Google Lisa Venusia or Lisa Cigars Geneva for more information
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    #51     May 17, 2015
  2. sorry stayed where I was comfortable (Henry...)
    heu neu: the babe one was in London at the time.
    French culture - because of deep catholicism - has some issues about what
    you seem to advocate ( prostitution). Out of curiosity are your
    parents BOTH catholics ?

    I want to check facts , so as to understand your point of view:
    do you have any kids from a hooker or former hooker?
    do you have siblings you care about who has done hooking?
    Or may be have your mum done a sting at hooking or
    may be your dad operated as a pimp?
    What is your personal/family situation in regards to prostitution?
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    #52     May 17, 2015
  3. I forgot : or may be are you married to a former/actual hooker?

    The reasons for these questions, is to be able to understand what is your family
    "dynamics" and "spirituality" in regards to that?
    #53     May 17, 2015
  4. luisHK


    One step at the time Smallpop, I'd suggest that before you try to appear like a high flying psychologist (or whackjob), you first study the basics of elite french schools ( one beeing very few students who enrol high school there must fail or be kicked out until Baccalaureat 3 years later ), so you gain a minimum of credibility.

    But in your own words :

    "Henri IV ans Louis Le Grand are extremely meritocratic public schools.
    Unbeknown to you, each year 25% of the students are replaced ( aka booted out) by more deserving students recruited ALL over the country."

    Whereas the real numbers, quite typical of top french high schools, are around 5% failure for this 3 years stretch, nowhere near the the 25% a year which would be the sign of a poor high school in France :

    Taux d'accès de la seconde au BAC
    Année Taux brut (%) Variation
    2013 95 -
    2012 95 -1%
    2011 96 -

    Now please go brush up your A level(s) and come back later to enquire about my family.
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    #54     May 17, 2015
  5. I have various options:
    1* put you on ignore
    2* not reply to your posts
    3* engage with you

    2: it seems you have been eyeing any opportunity to engage with my posts.
    So thank you for your interest.

    3: which I did. But obviously our ways of thinking are totally opposite.
    I like checking FACTS first. I like Justice and I abhore gossips.
    And , seemingly very hurtful to you, yes I came from a purely
    meritocratic system. If you want to discuss more about it - please
    put a simple complaint for "emotional upset" and I'll let the
    magistrate in a Law Court laugh at your face ( a school officialised in 1796,
    and the idiot is quoting stats from last 3/4 years ). And yes, we were
    always first.

    So I will put you on ignore.
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    #55     May 17, 2015
  6. luisHK


    Yes ? Really ?
    The dude likes facts but presents unsubstantiated claims , hinting they might have been accurate a couple of centuries ago, and when countered with numbers from respected publications he puts me on ignore.
    Top notch investigative work, the CIA is on the look out for such high performing analysts... Just add your 10 million bucks story and you might be offered a senior executive position straight away.
    Anyway Smallpop, it all good you put me on ignore, we know you need to keep focused to complete your Harvard Massage School phd.
    Best of luck
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    #56     May 17, 2015
  7. dealmaker


    #57     May 17, 2015
  8. blakpacman


    #58     May 17, 2015
  9. I deeply feel a great sense of horror for anything prostitution-related.
    I wish all the hookers out there, would understand that 1000$/hour is very cheap.

    I would bet that if any "earlier" split: she will walk out with MORE than
    8 million$.
    I need to find out the name of the woman whose deal is actually
    500million$ if she holds more than 5 years!

    I am wondering: is he into viagra ? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    #59     May 17, 2015
  10. traderob


    :Dis it just me or is smallstops the most gay f%#wit on elitetrader?
    #60     May 17, 2015