This "escort" makes $1000 an hour, the escort indicator...wallstreet is booming again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by S2007S, May 14, 2015.

  1. traderob


    Well wasn't jesus a friend of mary magdalena. Not all religious people are so moralistic.

    And there are many atheistic nut job feminist types who hate women "demeaning" themselves in the worlds oldest profession.
    #41     May 16, 2015
    luisHK and Guile like this.
  2. Turveyd


    Feminists just hate everything pretty much, there just the really stupid woman that think there better than everyone else.

    Getting paid and laid sounds great to me, but as a fat male no female is paying me :(
    #42     May 16, 2015
    traderob likes this.
  3. Sergio77


    High escort price may be an indication of bad times to come. Think about it.
    #43     May 16, 2015
  4. zdreg


    what are your other favorite leading indicators?
    #44     May 16, 2015
  5. Lol, this remind me the good old time..

    #45     May 16, 2015
  6. Turveyd


    The Bankers falling out of high windows index lol
    #46     May 16, 2015
  7. Gambit


    The amount of hate spewed by feminists (especially male feminists) is toxic. If they disagree with you, expect a torrent of online abuse.
    #47     May 16, 2015
  8. Turveyd


    Bring it, step daughter is 1 I give her hell lol
    #48     May 16, 2015
  9. zdreg


    "The Bankers falling out of high windows index lol"[/QUOTE]
    preferably into the cemetery of trinity church
    that is a leading indicator for a bottom.

    any more unusual ones for a top?
    #49     May 16, 2015
  10. Well!
    First , she is not charging enough : if she can charge 1000$/hour, she should top it up to at least 5000$.
    I knew of one babe who refused a 10 million $ check to sleep for money
    ( reasons being pesonal interpretation of her family background and very solid education topped with religious one) . The offer went so high as it was
    believed unthinkable that one woman would refuse prostitution.
    So 1000$ when she could go for 5000$/hour is very cheap.

    Now : let's be honest here. Who would love and be proud and happy that all his children and grand-children
    became hookers ( male or female hooker)? Let's be honest here.

    Just for the record : I spent time volunteering in various countries with children born from women
    who at one time in their lives did prostitution ( in one case, unknown to the guy, but due to "spirituality" issues
    the truth always comes out).
    They are also having some interesting findings : when a society finds
    adult women prostitution acceptable, then it comes to the turn of youngsters
    females, then adult men, then youngsters men, and then go on kiddies prostitution ( low age no limits).
    All depends on the perspectives. :)
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    #50     May 17, 2015