This "escort" makes $1000 an hour, the escort indicator...wallstreet is booming again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by S2007S, May 14, 2015.

  1. Turveyd


    I've known 2 escorts very well over the years, Sam and Eva both total nympho's, both making good money, both very intelligent I know Sam was investing for her future life after escorting.

    Let me assure you, although the stereo type, drug addicted and destroyed by the job happens, that's more the £20 per trick working off the street hookers than the higher class, these 2 are doing just fine, 2 of the nicest girls I've met.

    And no I don't pay for them, sadly can't afford £120 per hour they charge well get the goodies for free so don't have to :)

    Relationships start with the great sex and rapidly turn into loads of expense and hassle for zero sex, stick to paying for it or have both.

    50% hooker tax :)
    #21     May 15, 2015
    VPhantom likes this.
  2. traderob


    being a whore is dishonest?
    #22     May 15, 2015
  3. blakpacman


    Some women get lucky, such as Ashely Dupre who married a rich businessman.
    #23     May 15, 2015
  4. blakpacman


    #24     May 15, 2015
    i960 and Guile like this.
  5. Gambit


    Gentlemen, there is an internationally known matchmaking site for wealthy clients and potential escorts. Defacto legalization has already happened in the US. The escorts are typically college students. I understand why sex work is stigmatized, but it is important to separate the various strata of escort. As others have stated, there is a world of difference between streetwalkers and the high-end escorts of the world. Based on news media reports, it seems a lot more women from the upper middle class escort these days.
    #25     May 15, 2015
    VPhantom and Guile like this.
  6. blakpacman


    What do you call a former wife that gets a 50% divorce settlement, alimony (despite shacking up with another guy), and alimony disguised as child support?
    Answer: a long-term prostitute
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
    #26     May 15, 2015
    Superstar2317 and Gambit like this.
  7. luisHK


    Do you mean ? It seems to make a lot of buzz but the owner has several similar sites, you might mean another sugar/travelbaby website.
    Seeking is awesome in some countries ime, actually many of the girls there don't want to feel like escorts, you kindda catch them a bit earlier in their selfselling career - I can also confirm there are many students and some of the birds on this website could live decently only from their parents help, but not most of them. I checked the website in Dubai recently but it looks a bit too hardcore for my taste there - but you'll find some Emirates air hostesses if you are into those.
    As of Blackpacman last post, I actually feel prostitution, of which there are indeed various levels, is the base of human relationships.
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
    #27     May 15, 2015
    Guile likes this.
  8. Gambit


    I've never used the sites but I read about seeking arrangement in Time or Newsweek. In any case, society approves of prostitution. It just can't be overt.
    #28     May 15, 2015
  9. At least so say 98% or so women who do not sell their body for money.

    Look at Ron Jeremy a huge advocate of porn (obviously) and paid sex. He looks like a shit and talks shit. Pretty much a totally wasted life In pursuit for what? He does not even look happy. Where are all those proud and happy and glorious whores who made it till retirement and can still smile? I don't see them anywhere.

    #29     May 15, 2015
  10. A world of difference? Not in the underlying principles that a whore no matter how well paid or endowed is regarded by pretty much every society in the world at any time in human history as the lowest element in society, right above animals who also shit, fuck, eat, and sleep

    #30     May 15, 2015