This "escort" makes $1000 an hour, the escort indicator...wallstreet is booming again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by S2007S, May 14, 2015.

  1. hates whores ? Check
    #261     May 21, 2015
    Guile likes this.
  2. luisHK


    Voly's gonna sleep like a baby tonight, so much pleasure from a single thread. You guys are too kind to him.
    #262     May 21, 2015
  3. Guile


    Between this and his wife spitting on him, he will be ecstatic.
    #263     May 21, 2015
  4. As this thread has now been limited to personal insults, only (a bit of flaming and mocking I have zero issue with) , but not one on topic thought sharing anymore I leave you whore lovers and worshippers to your own. Enjoy sharing your latest conquers.

    Fact remains that even most of the high class hookers end up living pathetic lives that most women would never envy nor want to imitate. Same goes with men who have to pay for sex because their sexual bondage has degenerated such that they are unable commit to one single partner anymore. I am glad I do not have to be the judge. Each one will be held accountable and has to face the consequences of his life choices. Happy Mongering. Make sure you wear protection in order to not infect innocent family members with the diseases some of you will sooner or later contract.

    #264     May 21, 2015
  5. Gambit


    You will be back friend. We both know it :D.
    #265     May 21, 2015
  6. blakpacman


    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    #266     May 22, 2015
    Guile likes this.
  7. Humpy


    Most of the greatest cities on the planet were built largely on the sex industry. Anyone know London at all ? Visit the posh Bayswater Road for instance. A gentleman's diary of the 18th century came to light a few years ago detailing how each house had it's own selection of sex entertainments, whipping etc. too.

    It should have been legalised a long time ago. The Victorian prudes chased it underground and into dark alleys.
    #267     May 22, 2015
    Guile and blakpacman like this.
  8. zdreg


    "The 8 million dollar escort story is an example of a fool hitting a high bid."
    are you sure you didn't mean a fool with fat fingers who took the highest offer?
    we have all made fat finger errors. why not cut this successful man some slack?
    #268     May 29, 2015