This chart shows how 2019's monster stock market comeback is not driven by fundamentals

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Altavest_Erik, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. dealmaker and murray t turtle like this.
  2. Market "comeback" has been driven by the only "fundamental" that counts. THE FED, and investor belief therein!

    Has been known for decades... "The Fed writes the market letter". More so now than ever.
    Nobert likes this.
  3. Don't worry, Trump will pump.
  4. fan27


    Or perhaps the Fed will pump or Trump will be dumped.
  5. S2007S


    Nothing but the fed....they changed their tone in interest rate hikes and like magic the markets rallied straight back up. Everyone knows they will bow to wallstreet and give wallstreet what wallstreet wants. The fed should have had rates back above 5% .....will be lucky to see 3% before the next recession. By that point the fed would have wished rates were higher, they could go from 2% to zero in only a few emergency fed meetings. Once the global recession and debt crisis takes center stage rates will have no where to go but negative....
  6. S2007S


    "Or growth and earnings expectations have to move higher to justify current market valuations,"

    Haaaaaa...never ever would that happen...
    The fed had to pump the markets up to this point because there is no growth in the economy without the trillions they pushed into the market the last 10 years....stock buybacks are also the magical pill for the decade long bull market.
  7. S2007S


    Fed won't pump....wallstreet will cry if the fed pumps that's why the fed put the brakes on even though they talked about continuous rate hikes throughout 2019!!!!
  8. piezoe


    When betting, try to come down on the side of human nature. You'll be right that way more often than not.
  9. Funny... how that used to be considered as "market manipulation", and therefore illegal.
  10. S2007S


    Yep up until the early 1980s....

    Stock buybacks have been a huge gigantic part of this bull market but everyone continues to ignore that fact. Good way of propping up earnings!!!
    Nothing but air under this market....
    #10     Mar 4, 2019
    Clubber Lang and Stockolio like this.