'This American Life' Today: Awesome, & Why I'm Now + We Are Headed For A Depression

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ByLoSellHi, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. janvir19


    Don't worry about the ratings ByLoSellHi; just keep posting. I don't always agree with you but generally find that you post good stuff and are respectful unlike half of the jackasses on ET
    #11     Mar 2, 2009
  2. Thanks, janvir.

    I get into pissing matches with people on ET all the time, and even those whom I disagree with 95% of the time, who say outrageous things that are offensive - I don't even hold a grudge against them.

    Regarding this program, everyone here really should download it now if you live on the east coast, or in a few hours if you're up on central or pacific time.

    It's that good.

    The way they explain the mechanics of a banks balance sheet, and why banks are in the position they are in, and why we have to save the banking system no matter what the populist anger, and why the biggest banks are truly insolvent no matter what government officials such as Bernanke or Geithner say - it's brilliant.
    #12     Mar 2, 2009
  3. I just think the biggest banks are insolvent no matter what we think, or do.:eek:
    #13     Mar 2, 2009
  4. gangof4


    i agree with the premise of much of your ridiculous barrage of threads (how about you look less like a fanatical lunatic and just keep to one thread- or is Baron paying you by the thread?). that said, you are prone to sensationalism... just a tad.

    for instance, please explain to me the asian countries who are akin to Europe. and don't throw piss ant Myanmar or the like out. please tell me which large economies in asia are as you state.

    hint: asia learned a lot from teh asian financial crisis and countries like Thailand, for instance, are better off than most in the world.
    #14     Mar 2, 2009
  5. gangof4


    you're missing the point (or ignoring it). in a desperate grab for attention (or in doing your job for Baron... whatever), you start a million threads with the same premise. hence, actually turning off people who agree with you.

    start a thread titled something to the effect of 'we're all fucked, here's why' and post all this shit in one thread.

    there is NO REASON to oppose this suggestion unless:

    a. you're an attention whore


    b. you're paid by the thread.
    #15     Mar 2, 2009
  6. ganof4, does your vagina hurt?

    Listen to the podcast, then tell me my thread was of no or little value.

    I dare you.
    #16     Mar 2, 2009
  7. gangof4


    a twat would know about hurting/itchy vaginas...

    dolt: i did not say the thread had no value. my point, as you well know, was that you could accomplish same, and with MUCH greater credibility, with ONE thread. did you even read what i said? of course....

    i know you understood what i said, you just try to deflect because you're an attention whore who cannot imagine a life without 15 threads a day on ET. like a little kid looking for approval. except you're trying to get approval from strangers on an annon trading board- pretty pathetic. put that in your vagina and smoke it.

    i guess i forgot option c: all of the above.
    #17     Mar 2, 2009
  8. Do you know how much time and energy you wasted in response to your vagina hurting?

    #18     Mar 2, 2009
  9. gangof4


    if you look at my posts b4 you had to defend your indefensible thread starting/attention whore problem, i did not take issue with your content, only your clear attention problem.

    like a bitch, you shot back, ignoring the topic at hand- like a fucking 2 year old. you know i'm right, that's what hurts so much and makes you snap back.

    btw, this is a trading site. do you even trade? i've never seen a post from you about trading. quite telling.

    welcome to ignore.

    ps: seek help. your post/thread starting count isn't a badge of honour, it's a cry for help.
    #19     Mar 2, 2009
  10. Bakinec


    just admit you both have itchy vaginas and get it over with, because pointlessly arguing on the net with a stranger is like Special Olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded.

    regarding the coming of what some see as the next Great Depression, my feeling is that what we will see won't be just another GD, or even one exponentially bigger than the previous.

    I believe the U.S. is now headed for its last and final bubble, and after its bust there will be no more "depressions", but just pieces of what once was the greatest country on the planet.
    #20     Mar 2, 2009