thinkorswim pissing me off now

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by tortoise, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. tortoise


    Their heatmap is awesome, but runs on 20 minute delayed data. WTF?
  2. That was by design and was stated in the release notes.
  3. How do u get the heat map in TOS ?
  4. tortoise


    well, that's pointless, then
  5. Surdo


    So is this thread.

    I remember those useless 3D shit heat maps from CyberTrader 100 years ago. What happened to them, oh they are back with CS.
  6. omnpmh


    The TOS data is almost realtime,
    The release note is a built-in escape clause in case of disputes.
  7. tortoise


    The ToS data on the heat map is delayed data.

    Why on earth they bother with the heat map when it's, basically, a history lesson is beyond me.
  8. zdreg


    they think all their clients are tortoises.:)
    #10     Jun 22, 2010