thinking of hiring a mentor

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by mama vivian, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. kubilai


    Think about how successful and for how long a trader has to be profitable for you to consider her a worthy mentor. Think about how much a few thousand dollars of mentoring fee affects her income. Remember that a trader with a track record can go prop or start a hedge fund easily.

    Is it possible to hire a competent mentor? My guess is no. If you find a good one, it's probably for free or a minimal fee, because she'd be teaching out of the goodness of her heart, or because of a personal connection.
    #11     Jul 11, 2005
  2. Finding a mentor is possible. It will probably cost $$$ plus something much more expensive:time. Time to find a good one, and then time to prove to the mentor you're worth mentoring. And then the time it takes to learn, which can be years. IMHO it's HIGHLY unlikely to locate one online. You have to be a bit more creative and outgoing.

    I can guarantee the above is accurate because it's what happened to me. Doesn't have to be that way, but all the other routes ended in dead ends for me.
    #12     Jul 11, 2005
  3. presnal


    Unfortunately, I'm not a trader with any great returns to show for my efforts, but I have recently found a method for determining the most probable market reversal times. I'm still ironing out the rough edges, but I would be happy to send a sample of one week's worth of information to anyone interested.
    #13     Jul 11, 2005
  4. #14     Jul 11, 2005
  5. There is no such thing as a free mentor . The only way to get a true mentor is to work for someone for a year or so ( maybe an investment banker) But who can afford to go without an income. I have found my mentor. I trade training dvd/courses with other traders. You can learn alot out of a training seminar . A good place to build up an inventory of courses is . They rent them for $20 a month. Also ebay has a lot of them. When your sitting on your ass looking at a candle go nowhere stick in a dvd youll be amazed at what you will learn. Also whats amazing youll look at a seminar and look at the same seminar 6 months later and see things you never noticed before. someone estimated they are about 1,000 seminars and dvds out there. I try to look at about 2-3 hrs a day at training tapes and i learn something new every day.
    #15     Mar 21, 2006
  6. r-in


    As is often pointed out by people here, ask for a track record of real trading. His website doesn't look like it has been updated in awhile and the short results showing weren't that good. Ask for tax records to back up claims. If i still lived in Minneapolis I'd give him a call and stop by and offer more input. I'm supposed to go to a meeting there in 3 weeks, but don't know if I'd have time.
    #16     Mar 21, 2006
  7. r-in


    LOL, I just now looked at ther original thread date. Oh well, if you gave it a run with him let us know how it went.
    #17     Mar 21, 2006