Think or Swim Forex

Discussion in 'Forex Brokers' started by haolinyc, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. haolinyc


    What's your opinion on this? I've done a search on the web and apparently it used to be bad, but now it's good? I want a recent opinion.

    And I want to use ToS for forex because it allows me to trade every other instrument as well.

    *I'm using a demo account and various glitches have spooked me...

    *As a side note, do they incorrectly display the month of futures? I'm pretty sure their chart for "march" crude oil future was the chart for april crude oil future.
  2. I believe they white label GAIN Capital for their forex offering. GAIN's spreads are disadvantageous relative to much tighter spreads available on the FX ECNs - IB, MBT, FXCM AT, etc. ToS/GAIN has the majors quoted at 2-3 pip spreads, when you will often find spreads below 1 pip on the aforementioned ECNs.
  3. Agree with Trader KGB. The spreads are as bad as you can get anywhere else ( for example).
  4. haolinyc


    where else can I get a platform where I can trade everything??

    That's the only reason I'm considering them.

    and does their demo software have problems?? I seem to be experiencing quite a few glitches.
  5. IB
    MB Trading- Have to transfer between Forex account and futs\equities account
  6. promagma


    Oil is one of the weird futures where the April contract expires in March .... how it is displayed depends on the broker.
  7. Yeah stay away from Think Or Swim, when I had an equities account with them, i tried the forex side. What a pos, I had days when a major news announcement crashed the system, so stops and limits either went of later or were deleted. On those days so many people called that there phone system crashed. They would apologize about the outage, but never reimbursed anyone for the losses. Later did i find out Gain or the infamous was there provider.
  8. Gain or is not their provider. They offer a ton of pairs that are not offered by the former mentioned. I would guess its Saxo based on the offerings.