They say it is a family disease...Harken back...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. Oh hell I'd better look it up first before I try to use it. On second though I think I'll just fit it in where it sounds good and see what happens.
    #11     Feb 8, 2007
  2. You seem like a sharp and possibly single guy.

    No need to look up the definition of the word, all classy guys use it in many pickup lines. The women will be fawning all over you!

    Hey sweety! What time of the month do you obfuscate?

    Let's have some teenage romance and fun! Let's go to the ice rink and obfuscate together!

    P.S. Glad to see that Z has picked up such an endearing friend as you bigarrow. You can't see me blush, but I am one of thousands here on ET that can claim Z as a true...let's just say that it leaves so many speechless.
    #12     Feb 8, 2007
  3. Here you go BigArrow. This is what is termed Ad Hominem. Instead of arguing the point I made, ZZZzzzzzzz has decided to call me a neoklown. Ad Hominem is the resorting of personal attacks rather than using reason to argue your point.

    If you want to make it easy on yourself, do a search of ZZZzzzzzzz and the words Ad Hominem. Out of his thousands of posts, you will probably find at least 500 in which he claims someone else to use Ad Hominem towards him. This is the point that I was making in my original post.

    Here is an explanation by another member here on ET Rearden Metal who has a lot more respect on this site than ZZZzzzzzzz. It sums up the reason for peoples iritation with him:

    A team of dedicated troll zoologists has spent the past five years observing the troll in its natural habitat. Here are their findings:

    Trolling 101:

    If you happen to play poker, understand that professional trolls utilize a very similar strategy: Tight-aggressive

    Tight: Don't give the victim an inch! Never admit the possibility of ever having been wrong. Never say anything which can be remotely useful or helpful to anyone. Never provide the prey with a single word he may wish to hear. Give nothing!

    Aggressive: Focus! Your goal is not conversation or debate, but the exact opposite- nihilism. Mercy is merely a handicap of the weak. You are a disease with only one goal in mind: writing whatever it takes to piss off the victim. Contradict yourself all the time, repeat the victim's words verbatim like a bratty child, take the high road and repeatedly request that the victim stay on topic, post in every single thread and then accuse the victim of 'stalking' when he shows up in one of them, make ridiculous statements- but do it assertively and repeatedly, but most importantly:

    Laugh when nothing is funny!
    Laugh at the victim constantly, use smiley faces, and pretend to completely miss every single point he tries to make. Remember, looking like a complete idiot yourself is unavoidable if you wish to troll at the professional level.

    Another key troll tactic is the practice of winning by losing. While the victim is trying to put forward solid and convincing facts to prove his position, the troll's only goal is to infuriate its prey. The troll takes (what it knows to be) a badly flawed, wholly illogical argument, and then vigorously defends it while mocking and insulting its prey. The troll looks like a complete idiot, but this is all part of the plan. The victim becomes noticeably angry by trying to repeatedly explain the flaws of the troll's argument. Provoking this anger was the troll's one and only goal from the very beginning.

    Another important trolling tip I learned by observing LoZZZer's work: The lioness does not indiscriminately launch an attack on every animal she wishes to eat. She stalks her prey, determining which specific individual antelope is weak, tired and slow. The expert troll must use this very approach, as not every post is worth trolling. ZTroll specifically waits for someone to discuss a topic which is of great personal importance to the prey. With an innate sense of unyielding discipline- a product of millions of years of painstaking troll evolution, ZTroll crouches in the brush, patiently waiting for an emotional, dedicated post. A post where the prey feels so strongly about a certain topic, he can't restrain his emotional enthusiasm when arguing his point. Any post of this sort in P&R is guaranteed to spark a LoZZZer trolling effort. The predator will then deftly pounce upon its prey, pretending to laugh hysterically at the victim's strong willed, passionate assertions while distorting them in straw-man fashion. Eye on the prize, the creature will then tightly lock its fangs around the prey's neck, clinging tightly to the jugular while deftly wringing the life from its prey until the victim cracks- i.e., becomes highly frustrated and visibly redfaced. This in turn provides the troll with its well earned nourishment, as well as the creature's only source of sexual gratification: Furious anger and anguish. Thus, the circle of life continues.
    #13     Feb 8, 2007
  4. You and Z are in the same catagory with me, neither friend nor foe. But he is right about the far right. They are bringing the rebublican party down (and the country) and driving many long time republicans away. Talk to people outside of your circle of friends and hear what people are saying. Many people who voted for Bush are voting democrat now. And it's not a vote for the democrats it's a vote against Bush and the religous right and the neocons (a misfit group if there ever was one). And it looks like a majority of people in the US too, judging from polls and elections. I'll leave the teenage girls and skating rink for you Bruto.
    #14     Feb 8, 2007
  5. Sorry drmarkan I couldn't read all your post, too long. Same with a lot of Z posts too. You may be right on him. I don't really care enough one way or the other to do any research on Z. I was just commenting on what little I've read. Peace
    #15     Feb 8, 2007
  6. No problem. There is reason for peoples attitudes towards him though. It is not for his political beliefs either.
    #16     Feb 8, 2007
  7. Everything that I have learned in how the world really works and how I should see things while living a complete and moral life like Z has, of course, come from Z. He is my true hero and example in life.

    Just this past Christmas season with all the traditional celebrations and outside ornaments kept me taking antacid pills for 10 hours straight - everyday! The religious right really gets to me! Then...then I saw a display of a Menorah and almost lost control of my car! I did have to stop and puke my guts out over such an offensive display and all that the Joowss represent here in the U.S. and the world. It is those moments(puking) that I think of Z and all the self-righteousness he has taught me. Do you understnd so far?

    I should stop for now and maybe just let you privately PM Z yourself and let him teach you directly like he has taught me.
    #17     Feb 8, 2007
  8. Weak, very weak and hard to read too. If your going to be sarcastic make it good, that post was an embarrassment man. What I said wasn't that inflammatory. The religious far right is a very small percentage of the religious community in America.
    #18     Feb 8, 2007
  9. See the neoKlans try to defend the Bush family disease by distracting and deflecting away from the initial post to useless attacking the messenger?

    This is what the neoklans do, and some who lack any independent thought process even repost a Bupe induced imagination filled rant describing their extended fantasies about the animal kingdom representing human behavior in the process.

    It obviously takes a very strong fantasy life to be a Bush supporter...

    Then when someone comes along who doesn't agree with the neocrowd, that person gets attacked too...

    Classic, and those dumb enough to fall for it are probably Bush lovers too...
    #19     Feb 8, 2007

  10. It's a criminal family loved only by the dumb, the morally corrupt, and frightened eunuchs. Hey at least "uncle bucky" won't be out of a job. He can be used as a front for pappys vast heroin empire. Heck, even the Carlyle group is too small to launder all that cash. :D

    #20     Feb 8, 2007