They don't want peace, they want war...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. We don't sell the same advanced weapons to Israel's neighbors...

    If we did, then Iran could buy some too...

    That is what a neutral seller would do, just sell to whomever they profited from (you know, good old American Capitalism) and not get involved in supporting the politics of any side...

    If you are denying the political support and value of "big brother America" stating they will support Israel no matter what is not valid, they you are completely blind...

    In a host of ways America has supported Israel...

    That you deny this is an outright lie, which just increases the hatred of the Zionists.

    Stop all the lying...please.

    #21     Apr 22, 2009
  2. The denial game and guilt game that has been played is becoming less and less effective, we can see that world wide...

    Sorry, but the jig is up...and it will only get worse as more and more people worldwide understand the type of tactics that have been used to keep Americans in the dark about the issues...

    #22     Apr 22, 2009
  3. You have been caught in a big it has been shown that America supports Israel with much more than simple foreign aid.

    Stop the lying...please.

    #23     Apr 22, 2009
  4. Tom B

    Tom B

    I am not whining. I am just pointing out your hypocrisy.
    #24     Apr 22, 2009
  5. tsk tsk tsk

    The aid pipeline

    There are at least three ways in which aid to Israel is different from that of any other country. First, since 1982, U.S. aid to Israel has been transferred in one lump sum at the beginning of each fiscal year, which immediately begins to collect interest in U.S. banks. Aid that goes to other countries is disbursed throughout the year in quarterly installments.

    Second, Israel is not required to account for specific purchases. Most countries receive aid for very specific purposes and must account for how it is spent. Israel is allowed to place US aid into its general fund, effectively eliminating any distinctions between types of aid. Therefore, U.S. tax-payers are helping to fund an illegal occupation, the expansion of colonial-settlement projects, and gross human rights violations against the Palestinian civilian population..

    A third difference is the sheer amount of aid the U.S. gives to Israel, unparalleled in the history of U.S. foreign policy. Israel usually receives roughly one third of the entire foreign aid budget, despite the fact that Israel comprises less than .001 of the world's population and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes. In other words, Israel, a country of approximately 6 million people, is currently receiving more U.S. aid than all of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean combined when you take out Egypt and Colombia.

    This year, the U.S. Congress approved $2.76 billion in its annual aid package for Israel. The total amount of direct U.S. aid to Israel has been constant, at around $3 billion (usually 60% military and 40% economic) per year for the last quarter century. A new plan was recently implemented to phase out all economic aid and provide corresponding increases in military aid by 2008. This year Israel is receiving $2.04 billion in military aid and $720 million in economic aid there is only military aid.

    We are still not factoring in that the population of Egypt is 80 million while the Israel has 6 million colonizers.
    #25     Apr 22, 2009
  6. And you did that how??
    #26     Apr 22, 2009
  7. Israel has been manipulating America for a long time.

    Why dispute this fact?

    The average American doesn't have all the facts for various reasons. As the internet grows, and people are exposed to more fact and opinions from more neutral parties, their opinions are going to change.

    You can see it happening already.

    I understand why it freaks you out and why you become so emotional, I really do get that.

    However, it doesn't change the reality that things are changing.

    Israel can change and work to find peace, or they can try to stand on their own and see what happens...

    #27     Apr 22, 2009
  8. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh OPTIONAL...They might hear you and shut the internet all together.:D
    #28     Apr 22, 2009
  9. Stop wasting time with those fools.

    People can't have it both ways:

    Israel either controls US, exerts "undue" influence OR it is an insolent country

    Either you have a problem with the amount of aid US gives to Israel or you have a problem with how it is applied. Saying that US aid to egypt is not applied to the same amount of people is moronic. Who gives a shit honestly? Presumably you are concerned with the "drain" on US treasury.

    They will never make up their mind and will dance around for the simple reason: their "arguments" are not driven by a logical and rational analysis of the situation but simple hatred of israel and jews.

    Fact: US aid to Israel is not extraordinary in amount
    Fact: US support for israel in terms of political military is not extraordinary considering US obligated itself by treaty to protect militarily such worthless countries as poland, romania, lithuania, latvia (due to NATO).
    Fact: US supports Israel for many reasons, but primarily because of Israel's benefit to US in terms of US foreign policy objectives in the region (free flow of oil, countering pan arabic nationalism, outpost of us interests)

    If and when people like that make a commitment as to degree of control israel influences on US foreign policy they will automatically lose because certain issues immediately highlight israel's subservience to US (Israel was told to stand down during Gulf War I, despite bitchings from Bibby, Iran has not nor will not be attacked, etc.)
    #29     Apr 22, 2009
  10. You actually think you are winning the argument, don't you?


    #30     Apr 22, 2009