These kind of Profits CAN'T last!

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by Spectra, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. Fuck you thief.

    #21     Apr 17, 2008
  2. Option coach,

    Since you are one of the few who posted a well-thought out challenge/question I will try to answer in a reasonable manner.

    One of the reasons I require a call is to talk to a trader. I want to learn what would motivate a person first, to sign up, second to quit.

    It helps me understand a number of things. How someone found us---that is a marketing function.

    Sadly for me, the bulk is from Elite Trader. I say sadly because the format I use in ET to get business is to be "in your face, confrontational."

    Ask anyone who has done a personal mentorship with me. I am just the opposite. So why at ET? I actually got the idea from Donald Trump.

    My mechanic called me one day about a repair issue so I drove out to visit. In my airplane is Donald Trump just BS'ng with my mechanic. He was visiting his son attending the Hill School in Pottstown. We talked on a number of things, including shopping at K-Mart.

    He talked about how to build a business with free publicity. Incite the morons was his mantra. I bet he thought that with Rosie O'Donnel.

    But I have compiled a list of reasons of why people quit. Not sure what to make of it.

    What do you think of a trader who signs up on Monday and when you speak to him he says he has been trading for 2 years since he retired, has been up and down in results but wants to get better, has $200,000 in risk capital and plenty of time. On Friday he quits because he told Cajun he has to take his son to school. Huh. Retired and has a little son?

    So I called him. Truth is the guy is near retiring, hates his job at a factory, never traded in his life except to decide the company allocation of his profit sharing (90% was in money market).

    He finally said he did not want to sound like an amateur because a "big pro" like me would look down on him. How sad.

    I want to help people like that, not look down.

    The other side of the coin is the self proclaimed "super trader," the guy trading just a little smaller size than Lewis Borsellino who just happened to want to check out Puretick.

    Do you believe that?


    One guy had the temerity to call out a dozen of his own trades then email me that he had the "perfect system" he got from a trader who wanted to have it remain a secret, so "everyone would not ruin it." The hint was that it was a Larry Williams system.

    The guy then said he wanted half of my business if I let him make the calls on ES. A week later his card declined on a rebill. When I checked him out in NY, he had filed bankruptcy about a month later.

    So you see why I get pissed when loud mouth morons like suzzy the pig, and reavers criticize what they don't know. And where are they when I listen to these absurd excuses.

    So until I see evidence of the contrary, I will assume that if a trader on a Monday tells me he is in this for the long haul, that he or she understands what time and effort and money it will take, then on Friday drops out, I will say that person is a quitter.

    Not evil. Just a quitter. And there is nothing terrible about that. Better quit than have the market take all the money from that person. We are the same as Yale Law School. If you register for Yale Law school on Monday, and leave on Friday, what term do you want to use for that person? I will use that term if you give me a good euphemism.

    Thanks for your question.

    Alex L. Wasilewski
    Co-Founder & Head Trader
    Trades That Work
    1-877-GOLONG1 (1-877-465-6641)
    #22     Apr 17, 2008
  3. Hahhaa snoozanah,

    Please I am eating lunch.

    Do not mention any sexual act with you possibly the object of it.

    Actually you can. I am trying to lose a few pounds and I can't finish my lunch now.

    Seriously, I would not commit a sexual act with you even using Jimmy Jams' private parts.

    But thanks for the offer.

    Puretick disclosure. Private mentorship in no way refers to any sexually based acts or ommissions.

    Alex L. Wasilewski
    Co-Founder & Head Trader
    Trades That Work
    1-877-GOLONG1 (1-877-465-6641)
    #23     Apr 17, 2008
  4. I don't question your policy. In fact it was quite obvious from the beginning why you want someone to call in to cancel rather than by e-mail. Makes sense and you are not the only one with that policy.

    But someone who wants to cancel is not a quitter or a drop out which implies that your service is sole path to fortune. Sometimes it is just not what the person is looking for and decides not to sign-up.
    #24     Apr 17, 2008
  5. Until you get independent monitoring of your trading calls (TimerTrac, Theta, Collective2, etc.)

    You remain thieves.
    #25     Apr 17, 2008
  6. <i>"Sadly for me, the bulk is from Elite Trader. I say sadly because the format I use in ET to get business is to be "in your face, confrontational."

    Ask anyone who has done a personal mentorship with me. I am just the opposite. So why at ET? I actually got the idea from Donald Trump.

    He talked about how to build a business with free publicity. Incite the morons was his mantra. I bet he thought that with Rosie O'Donnel.</i>

    That's pretty much the same thing Tim Sykes tried, too.

    Alex, whatever stories you've heard from aspiring traders in your time, some people here have heard 10x more. Whatever shocking things that make you shake your head in wonderment, others have seen 10x more.

    Operating a live trade-call room tends to attract the greenest fringe newbies testing our profession. When you promote the "earn while you learn" mantra, it compels even the most reluctant to dip a toe in the water. But... once these individuals see just how much effort and work is involved to make a living at this profession, they revert back from whence they came. The sidelines.

    The very nature of your offer attracts these least-likely to succeed (along with everyone else), the least committed to creating success of all. You should be prepared to deal with a larger percentage of "failures" and "quitters" because your filtration for patrons is currently zero.

    If by chance you ever do work with or Cramer, expect that segment of fringe traders to swell exponentially. If you think you've seen / heard it all by now, I promise you ain't seen nothing yet.

    Once upon a time I worked for one of the largest (back then) advisory websites in existence. They had a five-digit monthly customer base and six-figure monthly income at $40 per month sub fee. You cannot even begin to imagine what all issues customer service there dealt with when the bubble burst in 2001 ~ 2002. If you continue to attract the greenest newbies out there, you'll learn what I mean.


    I personally assume your trade calls stand as advertised. If that's the case, you needn't ever viciously attack any detractors in public or private. There is simply no need to conduct yourself that way. Let your trading and/or educational performance speak for itself. How you conduct yourself is a reflection on many others beside yourself. Keep it professional, and your business end will enjoy the benefits of that far more than any other approach.

    Good trading to you :)
    #26     Apr 17, 2008
  7. #27     Apr 17, 2008
  8. EPrado


    He had me at " Goldman offered me a job with a million dollar salary". What a putz. This used car salesman is trading a sim account and giving out 6 tick winners in YM and turns down a job from GS ? Too funny.

    The best part is he has totally lost his cool and lets people get him all unravled on here. Real professional. His style of taking small winners and having one huge loser wipe em all out is typical for someone who has no clue on how to trade.

    But I give him credit...the Goldman thing is hysterical.
    #28     Apr 17, 2008

  9. Frank Goldman from Miami? Eprado, you're question the veracity of that statement? :D
    #29     Apr 17, 2008
  10. LMBO!! Same shit as Millenium Traders does. They call a trade and you have tihs wide ass stop and if you happen to get 5-10 ticks it's like"Woo-Hoo were so good"

    You fucking clowns have no idea what trading is, but you're good at processing those cc's and then when someone does try to quit its a bitch.

    Go and blow Cramer, your his type. LMFAO!!
    #30     Apr 17, 2008