There were many people on Wall Street

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by T-Bone Trader, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. who called a market bottom on March 8-9.

    My coach/mentor called the market bottom on March 3.

    I have no idea how he does it. Learning little by little and I know it will take time but I think that he is one of those traders that is about to explode on the scene in a few years.
  2. On the very first page, he said:

    What is "peronal"? Not something kinky I hope... :D
  3. mokwit


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  4. "Obama Says Buy Stocks Now: Good Deals There for Long-Term Investors"

    Obama said that on the 3rd of March, could've been the 4th though.
  5. ljmlmvlhk

    ljmlmvlhk Guest

    Obama’s been on ET reading different posts.
    Was influenced by stockturd3r’s analysis.
  6. know one tells me what they made. i have my suspicions though